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This is the author, HiByePerson. I wanted to take a break from drafting depressing, angsty oneshots so here we are! Hmm. What should I say about myself?

Well, I ship Klance, Drarry, Jikook, YiZhan, a lot of the ships you probably heard of. Most of them are gay though haha.

I'm not sure how I first got interested in shipping. Maybe it just clicked after I accidentally watched Baku No Pico. (Oh god, never again) Like, oh, cute boy. Get together with another cute boy and BAM! Magic.

I'm not sure what I was just doing so let me read the intro again.

Oh, okay so this story is going to be about Ceo Jungkook and Secretary Jimin. Jungkook's kind of a brat (not too much) and Jimin's sassy AF. It's going to focus mainly on their interactions and humor, although we might dive into some deep stuff later. (heehee)

I really like angst so this is gonna be a bit of a challenge for me. So if it's awkward, um..I'm sorry. I kind of wanted Jimin to be this sassy guy who beat up boys who touched him and be all badass in the first drafting of this story, but I might change it a bit. So if you don't see him castrating men and making them eat their own dicks, I'm sorry.

Oh, that too. I cuss. If you're sensitive to cussing, please don't read this book. I'll probably refrain from cussing as much as I can, but some offensive slangs (like whore) might appear since I get caught up in the heat of writing sometimes. Whoops.

I'm not sure if there's going to be steamy stuff since I've never tried writing porn before so- yeah. I might try ONE time, but that's only if it'll fit the storyline.

Lets talk a little about my social life. Well, I don't really have friends with the same interests as me. Rather, they're not interested so I keep these things to myself. I live in a Christian household so I don't really get to write out in the open.

Okay, so updates. I'll probably upload 1-2 times a week. Probably. It's a bit hard to write while hiding from 4 siblings. I still love them though. It's just frustrating when I get inspiration and want to write but one of them keeps bothering me. 

Anyways, forgot my password so that's why I've been so inactive. I just figured it out, so here we are :). I looked back at my writing and I have one word to describe it. Cringe. I made my stories like one or two years ago but I'll probably continue writing them. When I redraft the plot. If that happens. We'll cross that road when we get to it. :D

Reader's choice is an important thing I need to bring up too. At the end of each chapter, there will be a poll on the choices made in the story. However, if there is no poll answer because no one reads this (haha) or comments on the story then I'll have to make the choice via. online choice spinner.

I think that's all. Thank you for listening to me and happy reading! :)

P.S. Please vote, comment and share this. I'm so lonely :')

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