Rachel Mason's 50th birthday surprise

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Laura was born back in 2010 while both Rachel and Eddie had split up, Laura was the daughter of Melissa but after a few months of being born Melissa decided that she couldn't cope as a mum and that her and Eddie wasn't working out after all Eddie still had feelings for Rachel so when Mel disappeared again he took his kids back to Rochdale and made amends with Rachel who was also willing to try their relationship again, In 2014 Rachel became pregnant, it was a shock to her and Eddie because she was told that she couldn't have children , the couple took each day of the pregnancy one day at a time, when it was Rachel's due date she gave birth to a baby girl who they both called Selina. Selina was the younger member of the Mason-Lawson household so Eddie would always spill her , well he would spoil everyone but not as Much as he spoiled Rachel.

Eddie had spent the last couple of months planning for Rachel's 50th, he had got the kids involved, which was hard as the three of them wanted to tell Rachel there and then so he bribed them a little with some money and promised them a trip to Disneyland.

It was now Rachel's birthday, it wasn't just any birthday it was her 50th and Eddie wanted it to be perfect, so he made sure that he had everything for the surprise party that he was gonna throw in the school hall but he had to keep Rachel from going into the PE cupboard as that was where he was keeping everything for the party.

Throughout out the day Rachel could tell that Eddie was planning something as he would sneak off without telling anyone where he was going as he had a few last things to mark of his list, One of the tasks that he was get to tick off was the birthday cake, he didnt want just an ordinary cake so he went and found a bakery that could make him a three tier cake with the three favourite flavours that Rachel loved which was Chocolate, Jam and Vanilla.

Eddie was walking down the stairs to leave the building when Rachel was also coming down the same set of stairs to go to the canteen as she was on lunch time duty well they both was. Rachel watched him head to the doors

"Mr Lawson, Where do you think your going?"

Eddie stopped and turned slightly to face her and hesitated for a few minutes "Urm.. I had a text from the pharmacy about Michaels and Selina's inhalers being able to be picked up.. I thought ill go now before I forget to do it later"

Rachel was a little confused as this was the first time that Eddie had mentioned that Michael was Asthmatic despite her knowing Michael since she met Eddie.. "But Michael isn't asthmatic is he? I mean you never said anything about it before"

"Oh.. he started to have the symptoms when we split, I'm sorry I should of told you"

Rachel smiled "No its okay Ed, I understand we had a lot going on.. You better be back in time for your lesson... i'm not covering for it" she replied not knowing that she would have to cover for him.

"I'll try my best to back before then"

"Oh you Better"

Eddie then left and made his way into town and went to the bakery and saw the birthday cake for the time, he was in shock at how perfect it looked and told company to deliver it to the school around about 6:30pm.

With Rachel now covering Eddie's lesson and wondered why everyone of her pupils was behaving themself as she would normally had to break up fights and send some to the cooler but today was different. Eddie returned at the start of his second lesson of the double maths lesson but before he could come in Rachel wanted a word with him so she told everyone to continue with the work she had set and then went out to him

"Eddie.. something isn't right"

Eddie folded his arms a little as he was now confused on what she meant "What do you mean by that rach? No-one is gonna hurt you..."

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