Chapter 16 - Unveiled

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Is it possible for one to grow fangs and take fresh human blood as a source of living? What the hell has happened to us? Are we born this way or someone has changed us into one? Maybe I was changed by my own damned brother, pity me.” ~BK

He just stood there without making any moves as his eyes were glued to a feeding scene created by his other half. The tears of regret that he let out for his brother on being a meal to his dinner has somehow being replaced with the tears of sorrow. He was downright upset to have realized how both of them have nil sense of mercy towards the innocence. They were just too selfish on stealing blood out of their fans in order to satisfy their hunger and thirst. “How could we do this to our fans?” The guiltiness of pain he was bearing by heart was in every tear he shed as to accept a fault to have taken their fans for granted was far more dreadful than he could ever imagine. “We drank their blood, that shouldn’t have happened!” His thoughts were playing around in his mind as he whispered to himself like someone who has a mental case.

Like a beast, hungry and vicious, Tom was having a delightful time with the blood feast served out of the girl in the Tokio Hotel tee.“They just wanted our attention, not being treated as a victim to our feeding.” Those words spoken were meant for his brother, like a boy who is witnessing his own brother performing a killing act, he only wanted Tom to stop. Everything he sees before his eyes was causing too much pain within him. He was losing his mind and little by little, he started to grow a hatred feeling towards oneself as the monster in front of him reminded him of himself! He couldn’t deny that the malicious act of feeding Tom was performing is like an imitation to what he did on his previous fan victim. The hurtful pain in his heart to accept both of them as creatures of the night was unbearable for merely a silly young rock star to endure. Alas, making his tears running down more in a stream.

Her blood was passing through hasty inside Tom’s mouth as he consumed it with his excruciating bite of hunger. But it seemed as though Tom was an expert with his vampire trait, he just knew when is the right time to be full, in avoiding a case of crime of leaving his own source of food out dry without having any blood flow in her veins. Tom swallowed his last blood treat and finally let go of the girl, laid her gently on the tar ground of the road. Her eyes were wide opened as she was still in an awaken hysteria state.  “You will remember nothing of this once you wake up!” Tom made an eye contact to compel her with his words. Right after the hypnotism was pulled off, the girl closed her eyelids and fell into a deep sleep.

“That was delightful. You surely wasted a good meal of the night, Billy!”

“How could you have the nerve to drink her blood?”

 “Well, I should be asking the same thing to you, I’ve learned from you, little brother.”

“No, that isn’t true. Say it isn’t true, please!”

“And at least I don’t drain my victim like you do.” Tom ignored the question and made the situation worst by pointing out Bill’s ugly sin. 

Hearing those words made him feel like punching his brother right on the face but he was sensing somewhere between the lines, what if everything Tom have said to him are actually true. He was lost in his own dark world and clearly Tom is the only one who could save him.

“Yeah, you should thank me for cleaning up the mess you’ve made with Angel. Disposing her dead body is a tough thing to do and what more, when I had to bring her out from the hotel without anyone noticing.” Tom finally revealed the dirty little secret of his doing to save Bill.

“I thought you said she went back home!”

“No, I said she had to leave without saying goodbye, which is darned it true, isn’t it?” Tom chuckled.

“This can’t be true! You, you did this to me.”

“Technically yeah but does it matter if it’s for a good deed? You see, I’ve made you a bloody rare cocktail, hypnotized a fan girl with a virgin’s blood and save you some blood leftovers in the fridge, all for the sake of saving you from starvation and still I haven’t got a simple ‘thank you’ wish that I deserve?”

“I don’t understand this.” In his breaking voice, he cried for all Tom’s blunt confessions.

“Don’t worry, you passed the test and all you need now is to wake up from your sleep!”

“I am awake!” He shouted out loud and was still in denial.

“No, you’re certainly not, ripper!” Tom snatched the chain necklace on his neck and threw it on the ground. The last shine of red faded to dust as the crescent moon pendant broke into pieces.

“..Ripper.”That one grim word started to do a little haunting in his mind right when it was said by Tom. Is he a ripper? A vicious vampire who actually kills for living without any mercy? As much as he wanted to deny it, the damaged mind of his won’t let him do so as flashes of images of him being a ripper began to appear. He felt as if a sudden spell was broken since all of his lost memories came back, one after another shot, reeling into his mind, as bloody and crucial as it is. One thing for sure, it made him realize that all this while he was in fact, a shameful devil in disguise. 

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