5. Straight Ahead

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Even if it grosses you out, you might find your way back to the route faster if you keep going ahead. You take a quick breath and start down the path, braving the mess of an alleyway.

Instead of the occasional puddles before, the ground here is completely damp, making an unsatisfying slosh with each step. The rot and stench of the space starts to choke you. Your mind slowly becomes blank. It's humid and your legs feel heavier with each passing moment. The walls bordering your path feel like they are pulsing in and out. A feeling of nausea sweeps over you. You successfully contain your innards when all of a sudden, the floor beneath gives way.

You feel yourself become weightless and your heart leaps into your throat. You watch the walls tower higher and higher as you plummet into the void below. The icy, stone floor pounds into your back followed by the rest of your body. The harsh thrashing of your body on the rocks warrants sharp pains, intensifying with each moment of impact.

After debris and rubble from the collapse settles you find yourself lying at the base of a monstrous cave. Every part of your body aches from what looks to be an 8-meter fall. You rest unable to move for what feels like an eternity until you feel the pain pass. You manage to sit up and begin to gather your things. The pain isn't gone, but the worry invading your mind distracts you from the bull of it.

When you have almost everything, you find a small, bluish, and suspicious-looking statue lying on top of the last newspaper. You pick up the the statue to study it further when a man with a mysterious sparkle in his eye appears from behind a nearby boulder.

"You found the statue! Dear friend, since you are stuck down here in this cave, why don't you accompany me in finding the exit? You can be an assistant of mine of sorts," he speaks with a gallant and inspiringly deep voice. Shortly after he finishes, he reaches out a strong hand with a charming smile plastered on his face.

As you eye the stranger before you, you finally notice what he's wearing. The man, who seemingly appeared out of no where, was dressed in what seemed like Indiana Jones cosplay. Is he really sincere? What will you do?

Go With Him
(go to chapter 10)


Find Your Own Way Out
(go to chapter 9)


Author's Note:

The last part of this chapter and the paths moving forward from here are inspired by Markiplier's choose your own adventure available on YouTube. I do not own elements used from his original work. Nor are the photos from his work my property. Please support his adventure as he worked so hard on it. It's called "A Heist with Markiplier" and YouTube Red partnered with him on it, making it free to watch for the public. Check it out when you can!

Remember, if there are errors in grammar or spelling, let me know!

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Thank you, and happy reading!

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