Birthday Boy

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Lafayette POV:
I opened my eyes lazily and felt the cold air hit my face. I buried my face into my teddy bear that Hercules had gotten me years before. I feel something jump onto my bed, it wasn't a person it couldn't be. They would've been heavier and more harmful, I look over and see my beige striped tabby cat named Baguette come towards me purring. I smile and slowly put my hand over her back and began to pet her while I woke up incredibly slowly. Baguette was fast asleep purring until I moved my leg, she jumped up and ran " sheesh if she keeps doin that she'll wake up Laurens." I sat up straight and put my legs over the side of the bed and huffed when I stood. I made my bed and rubbed my eyes, I started to dress into the proper attire when all of a sudden Laurens bursted through the door " Happy Birthday French Fry!" He shouted excitedly. I gasped and began to yell at him in french " Je jure devant dieu si tu n'apprends pas â frapper!" * I swear to god if you dont learn to knock* I saw the smile disappear into an embarrassed grin. I roll my eyes knowing that he couldnt understand a word I just said. " Whatever..chienne" I sigh and continue to put my shirt on. Laurens began to talk again " Guess what!!! Your turning 21 todayyy!!!" Laurens started to get excited again. I smile and look at him " I understand monsieur Laurens." I spoke calmly and opened the door, He passed by me going on and on about how we could get drunk today.

Laurens grabbed two big bottles of whiskey He had prepared the night prior. I laughed and held my face " Monsieur Laurens, please we must wait for Hamilton and Hercules." Laurens replied quickly with a hint of anger " Why so you can fuck him?". I gasp and look at the man " How dare you?! Monsieur Mulligan and I are not in a relationship!" I couldn't help but feel bad, I loved Monsieur Mulligan. I just didn't know if Mulligan  would like me back. Laurens rolled his eyes "Fine you know what just call em over! Let's celebrate together!" He seemed to calm down, what was that all about Monsieur Laurens? I wanted to ask but stopped myself.

396 words

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