4. Changes

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TASHA: Thank you, thank you for your condolences, and thanks for sticking around for a little bit. I appreciate it, Aunt Harriett.

HARRIETT: And you know I'm here for you, okay? Man, Charles was a good man. You know exactly what happened?

TASHA: Still not sure, it's taking a little long for them to find out.

HARRIETT: Man. Well baby, keep me updated, okay. *kisses her on the cheek and leaves*

TASHA: *walks into the living room with the family and takes a seat* It's such a blessing to see all of you together again.

CJ: Yeah, ma. Sorry, that this had to be the time to be reunited😕

TASHA: It's okay, son. You kids had to go on with your own lives, live it how you wanted to *dabs eyes with a tissue*🤧🤧

BIANCA: Don't cry, momma. It's okay.

APRYL: *walks in* Anyone seen my dad?

NATALIE: What? I thought he was in here? Hell, I thought you were in here.

MICHELLE: Is he not in the backyard? He told me that's where he was going.

LONDON: What an inconsiderate ass girlfriend 😒How long he been gone and didn't say shit to us?

MICHELLE: Ion know🙄🙄

CJ: 🤦🏽‍♂️

APRYL: Well, no one's back there.

CAMILLA: Hold up‼️

NATALIE: Here your loud ass go😒

CAMILLA: Shut up😒 Anyways, where's Gavin?

TASHA: Kids, go to your rooms. We'll be back.


AUGUST: *on the side of the house smoking*

GAVIN: What's happenin', man?

AUGUST: *blows out the smoke* Nun... in my feelings right now.

GAVIN: About your father, huh? Meant a lot to you.

AUGUST: The world. I feel like a mothafuckin' asshole for not calling him to check on him or coming to visit. I'm so fuckin' mad—

GAVIN: Don't be mad at yourself, Aug. *grips his shoulder tight*

AUGUST: Hold on man, whatchu doin'?

GAVIN: You didn't do anything to hurt your father. He did it to himself, coming around here.

AUGUST: Whatchu sayin'? 😡

GAVIN: I'm not saying anything... Just saying, he was hurting himself. That man.... he was so heartbroken. Always wanting to see your mother—

AUGUST: Nigga, what you do to my pops!?

GAVIN: What did I do? *laughs* Why would a detective do anything to hurt your obsessive father? Around my wife. I did nothing but keep her safe.

AUGUST: *punches Gavin*

TASHA: August!

BIANCA: Aye! Chill! *runs to pull him off* Whats gotten into you!?

AUGUST: *pushes her* Nothin'! I'm good! *walks away*

BIANCA: Don't be pushing me! *follows him*

TASHA: *comforting Gavin* Aug—

AUGUST: I'm good‼️


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