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Chapter 1

Written: 050820



Han Jisung, just a normal collage boy walking through the empty hallways. He never really liked these hallways, especially when his ex-bestfriend use to walk these halls. Finally, after what felt like for ever, he reached the English class room. Jisung walked over to his desk and placed his bag down. He felt a tap on his shoulder and smiled, he looked to his left and saw his bestfriend Kim Seungmin, Seungmin was a nice but quiet boy. Well thats until Hyunjin enters the room, Seungmin has had a massive crush on him since, god know when. Back to Jisung, he placed his books on the table and sighed, he turned to Seungmin and pointed to next to him. "do they ever not make out?" Seungmin laughed "i don't think thats in Seonghwas vocabulary" Jisung nodded while chuckling, he faced the front and the teacher walked in. She was very young for a typical teacher, she was really pretty may i add. Ms Choi looked around the room and sighed "Seonghwa and Yeosang please stop making out" the Seongsang couple pulled away and rolled their eyes.

Ms Choi looked at Jisung and smiled. She was the only one who knew about his problems.

Time skip to lunch,

Jisung and Seungmin skipped over to the table they always say at but noticed someone already sitting there. Seungmin looked closer and then rolled his eyes. "Hyunjin.." Upon hearing his name Hyunjin turned around and smiled. "Babe!" He ran up to Seungmin and tried to hug him. Seungmin dodged the hug and Hyunjin ran into Seonghwa. Felix walked into the cafeteria and started laughing, "Hyunjin, you may want to get off Seonghwa, like now" Felix looked at Yeosang who's eyes were pure red. Hyunjin awkwardly got off him and ran off.

Jisung chuckled and turned to Felix, "so..?" Felix smiled and sat next to him, Seongsang couple sitting next to Seungmin. "Well....he kinda said I was cute" Felix said, clutching Jisungs arm. Jisung squealed "I wish I had a love life.." Felix laughed at his hopeless friend "stop sulking my food looks sad now" the table started laughing, "lixie, I don't think that's how it works but whatever floats your boat" Seonghwa said looking at him, while trying to place food into Yeosangs mouth. Felix rolled his eyes and started eating. Jisung chuckled at how immature his friends were. Suddenly he had the urge to piss, he jumped, which made all his friends look at him. "I need to pee, I'll be back!!" They all nodded and continued talking.

Time skip, after toilet break.

Jisung let out a sigh in relief, well that's what it sounded like to him anyways. It sounded different to a certain bad boy, Lee Minho and his "best friend" Mark Lee. Minho walked around the corner of the bathroom, and towards the sink, where Jisung was. He smirked when he saw the smaller. "What are you doing, baby boy?" Jisung jumped at the deep voice and he spun around. "Uh I'm doing the normal stuff..you do in a toilet..?" Minho chuckled and stepped closer, his face almost touching the youngers. Jisung gulped and backed away, only to be met with a sink. "Is that true...?" Minho questioned, Jisung nodded furiously, terrified of what's about to happen. Jisung watched as Minho lifted his hands and placed them on his waist. He flinched but didn't move. Minho smirked again and stepped closer to where their noses are touching.

Jisung could smell Minhos breath, it smelt like smoke. Jisung gasped, leaving Minho confused. Jisung lightly slapped Minhos arm "you know smoking can kill you" The older laughed and stepped back "that's what your worried about?" Jisung nodded and shook his head "you could get cancer......and die!" Mark scoffed "oi, Minho we have to go, leave this fa**ot alone" Minho glared at the boy, then smiled at Jisung. Jisung remembered his friends were still alive and gasped again. Minh noticed "is that your thing....like gasping?" Jisung turned red "oh no sorry I just remembered my friends are still alive" and that was it. He ran out, leaving a smirking Mark and a smiling Minho behind.

Back at the table.

Felix saw Jisung running back over and giggled "" he's so adorable" Seungmin looked over as well and chuckled but then turned back to Yeosang, who was talking about naked snails. Jisung reached the table and sat next to Felix. Felix smiled and wrapped his arm around him "sungie" Jisung hummed, taking out his lunch. "Have you seen Chan?" Felix said, stealing a piece of Jisungs cupcake. Jisung slapped Felix's arm "he's literally walking over, are you dumb?" Felix panicked and started blushing. "Hi Felix, hi Jisung" Chan said sitting down. Jisung smiled and waved, meanwhile Felix was sweating furiously. "Hi Felix" Chan said again, waving his hand Infront of Felix's face, snapping Felix out of his thoughts. "Oh hi Chan" he giggled nervously. Chan laughed and started a conversation.

Meanwhile, Jisung kept thinking about the meeting in the bathroom. "What are you doing, Baby boy" that sent shivers down his spine. Seungmin seemed to notice that he was in space and stated snapping his fingers in front of his face. Jisung heard the noise and screamed, he fell off the seat, only to be caught by someone. Jisung looked up and saw Mark Lee. He quickly got out of his grasp and sat back down, with his head on the table. Mark smirked and pushed Seungmin over so he could sit next to Jisung.

Seungmin pouted and slid over next to Yeosang. Mark put his elbow in the table and rested his head on his palm, staring at Jisung. Jisung noticed and started blushing, and of course Mark had noticed. He cooed "awe he's blushing" Felix looked over and saw Mark was bothering Jisung "hey asshole" Felix said pointing at Mark, who rolled his eyes "yes..?" Felix scoffed "leave him alone" Mark shook his head "no" he said in a harsh tone. Felix was about to retaliate when a voice called out. "JISUNGIE" This cause the while group, including Jisung, to turn around.

Seungmin looked down again and started his Science homework, but was interrupted by hands around his waist. He turned around and blushed, Hyunjins face was an inch away from his. Hyunjin smiled and looked at his lips, Seungmin gave him a little smile and Hyunjin leaned closer, now there noses were touching. Seungmin looked into the others eyes and then to his lips, while licking his own lips. Hyunjin had had enough and just closed the gap. Seungmin was shocked but kissed back. He spun around fully and wrapped his arms around Hyunjins neck. Hyunjin picked him up, sat down then placed Seungmin on his lap, without breaking the kiss.

Seonghwa and Yeosang were watching with a disgusted face, "their worst then us....." Seonghwa nodded and continued on feeding Yeosang. Felix chuckled at Chan but then saw the two making in the side of his eye, he gasped and fumbled to pull out his phone. He quickly took a couple of photos just as the two pulled away. He chuckled evily and started to show Chan, who just laughed at his childish behaviour.

Jisung focus

Jisung and the small boy finally reached their destination. Jisung sighed and kneeled down to the boys height. "Innie, I'll fix this" Jeongin gasped and hugged Jisung, wincing. Jisung smiled and saw a car pull up. A man stepped out and wave to the two. Jeongin gasped "Wonpillie!!" He ran to him and Wonpil caught him "hi innie, im going to be taking care of you for Jisung hyung" Jeongin nodded and followed Wonpil into the car. Wonpil looked at Jisung with a worried look but Jisung dismissed it with a smile.

Jisung walked up to the front door of the house and knocked. A young man opened the door. "Dad"

1424 words

Dont worry Mark isn't gonna be here for long, I just thought I'll make a plot you know?

That's all I got for today, new chapter will be published soon!!
Bye bye 👋👋

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