Chapter 1: A Choice

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Allen POV

Cold. So cold. "Mana" I sobbed looking at the grave with his name carved into it.

I remember it all to clearly. How he's now six feet underground. but before that let's talk about before. Before I knew he existed. Before I knew what happiness felt like.

Flash Back 4 years ago


A normal kid would be terrified. But I was used to it. Don't get me wrong I was scared. But I just learned to hide it.

Abandoned, Abused, tortured. The three main words that describe me.
My character? Didn't matter. My name? Didn't have one. Species? Human... I think.

Day to day this was my life. But now I'm leaving. I grabbed the oven mitt and slipped it over my deformed arm.


Quietly as I could I snuck out the back window and ran. never looking back.

Flash back end

Flash back 2 days ago

I watched wide eyed and horrified. Unable to move a muscle, as Mana was beat to death. The people clamming he helped the devil.

I couldn't move. the man who was by my side. Who showed me happiness. Was dead. His corpse being beaten as if he still lived.

I hid behind a wall to terrified to try and help.

I waited until the crowd dispersed from the alley way. I walked over to his cold and stiff body. holding in my sobs the best I could.

I slowly dragged his body up a hill. he called it our 'special place'. I looked at the tree trying to cling on to every strand of life it could.

I slowly dug out dirt and slowly put his body into the grave. I covered it up with dirt. I found a rock and took out my pocket knife.

Carefully I carved his name.


I placed it next to where I had buried him moments before. I dug a spot next to it and stuck the end of the stone in. I pushed the dirt around it until I knew it would stay firm.

I fell to the ground. My knees buckling as I let my calm demeanor slip.

"Why why why." I repeated, covering my face with my hands. "Of all people... Why you"

Flashback end

For two days I haven't moved. I haven't eaten. Nor have I slept. For two days there has been nothing but me and the grave of the man I thought of as a father.

I'm so weak. Is this all I'm good for? If I could do one thing it would be to bring him back. Please. Someone has to hear me.

Earls POV

I was was walking around this sad little town swinging around Lero. An everlasting grin etched into my features. What? It makes me look friendlier.

I was looking for more Akuma making material. Hoping to get lucky. I heard soft sobbing and looked up at a hill.

There sat a small boy with reddish brown hair and pale skin crying at someone's grave. My smile grew wider (if that's even possible) as I made my way over to him.

I quietly stood Behind the grave gazing at the small boy. Whelp, let's begin the show.

"Hello child. How would you like to revive this man from your detestable god?" I said. He looked at me disbelief written onto his features

"Who are you?" He asked trembling slightly.

"Oh! How rude of me. I am the Millennium Earl. What's your name little one?"

" A-Allen... Allen Walker" he said hesitatingly.

"Nice to meet you Allen. Now, what do you say to my offer." I slightly flicked my wrist and an iron skeleton emerged from the ground. "All you have to do is call his name. And he will be taken back from your detestable god."

Slowly the boy stood on his feet and using most of his strength shouted his name "MANA!"

A lightning bolt struck the skeleton and it slowly moved out of it's confines.

"A-Al-Allen" it sputtered out. "HOW DARE YOU!" It screeched "HOW DARE YOU TURN ME INTO AN AKUMA!"

Disbelief played on the boys features as he stared at the skeleton. "I CURSE YOU!" With that it lashed out at him. Leaving a deep scar on the left side of his face. (I'm gonna skip the rest of it. Long story short Allen's innocence awakens kills Mana and now he's petrified with white hair.)

I looked in shock at the young boy. "I am very sorry." I said pretending to be depressed "Something must of gone wrong."

He didn't reply, he seemed terrified. "I have an idea!" I stated happily "why don't you join my family?" I ask him. He looks at me, disbelief on his fragile features.


"Yes, really" I held out my hand and he takes it. Road's door appears in front of us and I step through dragging the boy along with me.

He just might come in handy


I hope you liked it :). oh and I just finished the third HP book and let me say, I never knew Harry had a dark side. I'm referring to the last paragraph of book one BTW. Anyways


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2015 ⏰

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