Krias & Adarel

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The Glimpse: Tales Outside the Walls.

It was a frigid morning. The sun was concealed behind colossal and sullen clouds.
The wind sents a worth-shivering sensation onto my weary skin. The wind whistled against the pines on a nearby grove. Seagulls were flying around in harmony as I behave on a staircase while observing my father; dragging his boat out of the shore, I waved him goodbye.

After he left, I went inside the house to help my mother with a heavy leather that she was clipping on a tanning rack.

“Mother, may I ask you something?” my approach.

“What is it?” she retorted.

“I was playing with Adarel yesterday remember?”

“Oh, yes... Is there something wrong?”

“None —mother, it's just... We saw a red chest under our house, on a rabbit hole near your flower pots,”

“A chest, what does it contain, did you open it?”

“No mom, but I pulled it out and placed it under my bed, I just thought you might want to see it”

“Show me the chest,”
my mother's tone were filled with oddity as she asked oneself what the chest contains. Swiftly, I dragged the chest out of my bed unfortunately, it was locked.

I have perceived a set of letters at the corner of the chest that states my father's sobriquet “It's father's,” I whispered.

I blew the dusts off the rusty chest and discerned a symbol carved onto it.
“Mother, look! It's a symbol... Does it look familiar to you?” she caressed the chiseled wood...
“Yes Krias, this symbol belongs to your grandfather which is a royal knight back in Wagondrof”

“Father was a knight too, isn't he?”

“He was, Krias... He was a knight but not for long,”

“May I ask why?”

“Your father was a knight by the time I'd met him... He left his duties when he found out that the king he was serving is accountable for thousands of death among innocent people. Your father is a noble man indeed,”

“But, why did he enshroud this chest?”

“Perhaps this chest holds the stories of his past,”

—It is truly a huge discovery for me and for my mother. I wish Adarel could hear my father's tales, so I went to her home and told her about the story that I heard from my mom.

We couldn't open the chest, so we waited for my father's arrival from his fishing— Until
the long wait is over, my father has arrived.
At last, the chest could be opened.
“Father, look... Adarel and I found something yesterday!”

“Oh! Was it a treasure or a lost temple of magic?” he said with a tone of excitement...

“No father, it is more than just a treasure... I believe that it was your past,”

“Interesting... May I see it?”

My father seems to be fascinated, it gave me a burst of optimism to show him the chest that we had found.  I did not show him the chest yet but instead, I went to Adarel's house and invited her home... And together, we presented the chest to my father.
“Here it is! We found it under our house in a rabbit hole,”

“I knew it... I knew that it is time to tell you a great story,”

“Never mind Pa! Mom had told me your story awhile ago, it was astounding! Though, you never told me that you're once a knight... It's a little upsetting,”

“You and Adarel did a great job on finding it,”
my father commended me and Adarel as he patted both of our shoulder.

“Kudos to Krias, he did all the diggings,” Adarel giggled.

That night, my father unsealed the chest.
It was a set of twin daggers he calls Chiavelon. He told me more stories with Adarel... It was beautiful— But just like what they say...
“The only easy day was yesterday.”

Bandits invaded our town while the entire place was asleep. They murdered the men
And ravished the women.

Quickly, my father brought us at the shore where his fishing boat was anchored.
We were aboard and about to leave the shore but I leaped out of the boat and swam back to the shore. I went back to find Adarel and her family.

I sneaked at the rear alley that can lead me to Adarel's home. I found her father beheaded but without a trace of  Adarel. I was about to leave when I heard a whimpering sound inside a barrel. There is where I found Adarel soaked with wine. I carried her on my back and settled her beside a bush as I hurry back into my house to take the twin daggers— awhile after, I swiftly went back to the shore with Adarel.

There was a bright light coming from our boat. At first I thought it was  a torchlight, but it wasn't. It was the topside of the boat burning on fire.
“Father... Mother!” I yelled in anguish, knowing that my parents were in the boat.
Adarel swiftly took off her coat and damped it with salt water and covered a portion of the burning wood with it to extinguish the fire.

I slowly discerned the figure of my parents through the smoke... Laying down the flatform of the boat, they were beheaded.

My world fell apart, even Adarel's embrace was not able to give me comforts. I couldn't scream... I couldn't yell.

I saved Adarel, but the cost... Is my family.
Though I never regret it.

We sailed south for eight days  with our boat half burnt. We have nothing but four pieces of bread and a half bottle of fresh water together with my parent's corpse.
After eight days, we arrived in a town called Parim of western Sheinorth over the shattered isles.
An old man named Bowel Kreenfel helped us to recover through out the years until the day of his death.

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