♡︎I've figured it out♡︎

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piper's pov:

Neither Finn and I could work out the riddle so we just decided to head home, that's where i was going and i was definitely going to talk to James and Riley about this,

"Mom, i'm home!" i shouted as i headed into the living room coming face to face with the couple i was looking for,

*1 hour later*

ugh! i was so angry at James as well as Riley (which was a first),apparently they swore to Emily that they wouldn't help me! how annoying is that!

so right now i'm laying on bed trying to work out this stupid riddle, and i have zero ideas, i mean how are we supposed to know when we've got it right? as i'm thinking i'm also scrolling through the studios website looking at previous duets and that's not even helping, until i come across one of jiley's duet interviews, i play it then place my phone on my bedside table and close my eyes so i can concentrate,

'the story of our dance is about a magnetic force pulling us towards each other and no matter how hard we try we can't fight it'

i shot up so fast from my bed i had to sit still for a second i then scroll through my phone for the title of this video,

'James Tordjman-chaves and Riley Raymond's internationals duet to Flying'

flying........ FLYING that's the duet! I've worked it out and as its only 7 pm i run down the stairs shouting


"LIVING ROOM PIPES" i hear my brother shout, and i literally sprint to the living room,

as i reach the room i push open the door and see worried looks from my parents and James and Riley,

"whats wrong pipes are you ok" i hear James' question,

"one sec J i need to get Finn here" and before i here his objections i am already messaging Finn,


hey Finn I've worked out the riddle come to my house ASAP

ok coming b there in 5 x

Yes i was just putting off the fact that i liked Finn altogether, i need to really talk to the girls and Amy and Riley at the same time but since everyone was busy with nationals i decided now was not the best time to say that i like Finn so they would drop everything to get us together and that is Not what i want for a-troupe, it was really convenient to have Finn's house just around the block as it was just 5 minutes away from my house, i hear a knock on the door and its my best friend, i open the door to a Finn with the silliest smile while attacking me for a hug "HEY PIPES" i hear him shout

"come on I've worked out the riddle come on!" i may be a bit excited about this, so i drag him into the living room,

"I've worked out the riddle"

"have you? hold on let me get em on the phone"Riley said sounding impressed, and before i knew the studio head was on the phone,

"hey ri, why have you called me at this hour, it 7:15 at night" i hear Emily's voice through the phone,

"sorry em, your on speaker by the way, at the moment i'm at James and piper's house and piper was getting a bit stressed about the riddle so she went to bed early, but about 15 minutes later she was running down the stairs shouting our names, long story short sis----" i cut her off

"I've worked it out Emily" i say confidently,

"have you? your answer is then...."

"the answer to the riddle is and the duet Finn and I have to learn the choreo is....... FLYING!" i shout,

"congratulations you have guessed the right answer, which means you and Finn will need to learn the choreo to flying in which case Riley and James will be teaching you the choreo to it on Monday Morning, good night everyone and have a good weekend" Emily said ending the call with Riley with our goodbye's being shouted at the phone.

*hey! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Thoughts?
Ep 24!!!! Spoilers if you haven't watched:
OMG that episode!!

i feel so bad for Richelle just glad she's back on the team :)

EMILY! so sad that's she's gone but her and Michelle are the dream team,

Maria! i don't like here and she looked very suspicious,

i'm glad they ended with the same a troupe from the beginning of the season minus Cleo and that they worked together as a team :)

Emily being vulnerable is something id never thought id see :( but it was nice to see her let her guard down :)

i LOVED that dance defiantly a parallel from season 1 when Emily thought of it for regionals for the ogs

i personally loved that ending for Emily it was the kind of way Emily would go and i personally thought that Michelle should of gotten something similar or a party but not as full out (don't come at me these are my opinions, thank you)

good luck nick!

maria i actually cant believe her and i'm really happy a-troupe are able to compete again and i hope they beat b-troupe because don't like b-troupe and i have a theory but first.....

there has to be a season 8 as they cant leave us on a cliff hanger like this!

anyways my theory is that if there will be a season 8 a-troupe will automatically win and get to go to nationals because the show is based around ATROUPE and there journey in competing and going to regionals, nationals and internationals, and the shows not based around b-troupe so there wouldn't be another season if b-troupe wins as the shows not really about them i know the shows about the studio as a whole with baby ballet, j-troupe,b-troupe and a-troupe but it is solely based around a-troupe and we haven't heard from b-troupe as much as we've had this season so why make the show about them now when its about a-troupe? i'd also really like to see people like Alex c and Shelby and Liam back for another season or two as i don't really want to say goodbye to them just yet, also these are just my opinions so don't at me k thank you :)

#season8whentho :) :) :)

- Q*

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