~I'll get you back Casey~

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I'm back...

So in the last chapter of the HORRID book

I mentioned that I don't like spiders

I hate them

I'm scared to death of them

And I will never ever touch one


*sighs again*

This guy named Casey

Who's technically my nephew?

I dared him to wear a dress around camp

So he gave me a spider and told me to keep it as a pet

I really don't want to do this

I'll get my revenge on Casey for this

But I swore on the River Styx I would do every dare in this book


Here goes, uh, something

~Day 1~

Apparently it's name is Arachna 

It's in a cage on the other side of the Aphrodite cabin right now

I don't intend to be the one to feed it

What do spiders even eat?

Actually I don't want to know

*walks over to the cage but stays at least 3 feet away from it*

Uh, hi girlie! I'm Aziza, daughter of Aphrodite! I wonder if people can charmspeak spiders...

*the spider jumps in its cage*

*aziza screams and runs back to her bunk*

Nope! Nope nope nope! I am NOT taking care of that thing!




*she has an idea*

Casey didnt say how long I had to keep it

Just that it couldn't die

I know someone in camp who loves spiders!

She even has another pet spider!

*aziza smiles and writes something on a sticky note, then quickly sticks it on the cage and carries it to the ares cabin*

Well then, that was easy!

I hope Clarrise likes her new pet!

Nice try Casey!

But you're still not off the hook nephew

I will get my revenge

And when I do

It won't be pretty


Ask or dare Aziza~Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt