Chapter 1

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Jasmines pov:
Today I start my first day of high school I go to Georgie krocket high school and I'm just so excited I get to see all my friends from 8th grade there it's going to be a great day!!

I got out of bed hoped in the shower and got dressed and ran down stairs and saw my older brother Keith

Jasmine: Keith com on we're gonna be late
Keith: I'm coming

Jasmine: I can't wait to get to school it's going to be a lot of cute ( cough cough ) nothin

Keith: listen to me what ever you do don't go any where with the boys at school the 10th and 11th graders always trying to try the fresh man out for a run

Jasmine: what is that suppose to mean

Keith: it means they are going to try and have sex with

Jasmine: I'm not like those soft girls that say yes aqqto anything I'm stronger then that I wish a boy would

Keith: that's my sister

Keith's pov:
We finally made it to school and we went our desperate ways I met up with my friends and she met up with hers

Jasmines pov:
I met up with Gabriella and chyna we were walking and talking about our summer when these three boys came up to us two was in 10th grade and one was in the 11th they names were Cameron, nick, and Mathew

Mathew: hey light bright what's y'all name
Chyna: hi I'm ch&.&
and this is Gabriella and jasmine
Nick: you guys wanna go hang out with us in the locker room
Jasmine: no maybe later
Cameron: see you later ma ( walks away
Chyna: jasmine what are you doing they were cute
Jasmine: yea they were cute but the only thing they were trying to do was try us
Gabriella: jasmines right they do look like they will just try us on
Jasmine: Chyna just for get about it
Chyna: ok

Jasmines pov:
The bell rang and it was time for class to start so I told the girl I'll me them after class and they said ok and they went their ways. I went to go find my locker and when found it the locker number was L432 I put my combination in and opened in and I was putting my math book in when I felt a faint breath on my neck I turned around and it was that nick guy from earlier.

Nick: hey mami
Jasmine: hi and can you not call me mami
Nick: sorry baby
Jasmine: wow
Nick: so why you and your little friends didn't want to hang with us in the locker room
Jasmine: well for starters we had just met you, and who knows what could do to us
Nick: we wasn't going to do anything mami I promise
Jasmine: no I don't think so...wait....shouldn't you be in class right know
Nick: no I always skip first period
Jasmine: well I'm not skipping so go bye (close locker)
Nick: yes you are

Jasmines pov:
As I closed my locker and tried to go to class he put his arm out stopping me

Jasmine: can you move your arm
Nick: no mami

Jasmines pov:
I pushed past nick when I was walking away he reached out and hit my but so I turned around and kicked him in between his legs and I turned back around and walked away he yelled something out but didn't hear it. I got to class and the teacher told me I was late and I said sorry couldn't get my locker to open sorry he said it's alright take your seat, I went to sit down and sat next to chyna I heard someone call my name I turned and saw Gabriella I asked do she got this class she said yes I was happy so we all sat next to each other chyna asked me why was I late I told them everything they look at me and both said damn at the same time but we turned around and the teacher told us what most likely going to happen this year.

A/N: this is my third story I'm going to finish this story I feel inspired to finish a story so stick around to the end and if you me to write more for my other book just message me👍👍

Kidnapped by August alsina, chris brown, and tygaWhere stories live. Discover now