Importance of books....

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Everytime you open a book and read it,  a tree smiles, knowing there is life after death

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Everytime you open a book and read it,  a tree smiles, knowing there is life after death...
Woah deep.

I may not be a wizards, half blood , gladers, tribute etc but I'm a reader and that's the same. We go through all these adventures together. We experience the emotions and things they go through . We are transported to a different world.

We need fantasy to survive reality!

A reader lives a thousand lives before they die!
Maybe this is why we read and in moments of darkness we return to books to find words for what we already know.

I read to experience thoughts and feelings I cannot describe to be able to experience different lives be able to believe what it would have been like to be born somewhere else...another life ...another place ...which might not even be yet discovered... It's the superpower of imagination.

While reading we don't fall in love with the characters appearance but with their thoughts and characteristics!

I don't wish my favorite fictional characters were real , I just wish I could exist in their world with them.

I don't wish my favorite fictional characters were real , I just wish I could exist in their world with them

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