Cleansing your Crystals:

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Cleansing your crystals are important because if you just bought one, you don't know who has touched that crystal, they could be negative or in a bad mood. And you don't want that reflected on you. Also when you cleanse have a positive vibe, or think of peace and love. So here are some ways of how to cleanse:
1. A Full Moon: is a good way to cleanse. Just leave them on your windowsill or leave them out side.


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2. Sage: this one I like best. Just light a sage bundle or smudge stick and allow the smoke to drift over your


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3. Salt and Seawater: this also helps, but not all crystals can be in the water. Personally I like sage. It's a lot easier. But if you do, do your
research first.


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4. Selenite: can recharge and purify the energy in your crystals, without diminishing their own energy. Just place it next to or on top. I like this one too. Super easy.


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5. Return them to the earth: you can place them on the soil or bury it in the earth for 24 hours, to revitalize the energy. To be honest I haven't used this one yet. So I like 4 and two the best.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2020 ⏰

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