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The rest of the day both of the boys felt really awkward to talk to one another. Ushijima didn't want to believe that he'd be jealous of Iwaizumi. Maybe a bit, but definitely not because of the reason Tendou was thinking about.

On the other side Tendou thought that Ushijima might have a crush on Oikawa, which definitely made him feel weird.

After quite some time, Ushijima had to leave again.

Tendou cleaned the flat, because his parents would come home tomorrow. His mind was at the conversation they had this morning. Oikawa was indeed, a really good Volleyball player but why was Ushijima so obsessed with him.

School and training started again in the next weeks, the Shiratorizawa team training as hard as always.

After about six weeks in which both Tendou and Ushijima grew even bigger friends, the Shiratorizawa Volleyball club had a training game with Aoba Johsai.

Ushijima was extremely excited, at least he said so with his deep, robotic voice.

After their warm up, the Seijoh Volleyball club entered the gym, just in time. All of the Shiratorizawa members got into one row to greet the guests.

Tendou looked around to see Ushijima walk up to Oikawa, who immediately looked extremely pissed and hide behind another member. This was probably Iwaizumi Hajime. He was definitely even more annoyed at his friend but still let him hide for Ushijima.

Satori decided to walk up to the three and looked at them with a smile, "and what are y'all doing over here? Looks like toshi is harassing y'all," Tendou giggled, looking amused at his friend.

"He is!" Oikawa hissed, hiding even more behind that Iwaizumi guy.

"Could you stop that, Shittykawa?"

"You need to protect me! Ushijima wants to take me away from you!!" Now Oikawa pouted. He was definitely a drama queen but Tendou kind of liked him.

Their trainers then called out for each of them so they could start with the game.

Both Oikawa and Ushijima gave their best as usual. There was a weird tense between the teams, Oikawa most of the time really aggressive.

Tendou tried to make the atmosphere a bit better by singing different songs or telling jokes.

Nothing of it worked, so Tendou just gave in after a while and just concentrated on the game.

Shiratorizawa won once again against Aoba Johsai and Tendou was sure that Ushijima walked over to Oikawa again to get him to this school, because Tooru started screaming really high and hided behind Iwaizumi.

Some time later Seijoh had to leave again, which probably was to Oikawa's luck.

The Shiratorizawa Volleyball club just had to do some last stretches before they should clean the hall. Everyone went home one by one.

Tendou waited impatient for Ushijima, extremely tired, "Ushi what are you still doing? You can shower at home! I wanna leave!"

Ushijima didn't reply, he just came five minutes later out of the bathroom, completely ready to leave.

"Finally," Tendou sighed, then turning to the door to leave.

"Wait," was said with a silent voice by Ushijima. It was harsh but there was a weird undertone in it. As if he was confused and sad.

Tendou turned around with a questioning look on his face, one eyebrow up and the other one down which made one of his eyes look smaller than the other, "what's wrong toshi?"

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