Day #1: FRIDAY

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A/N: To be honest, this entire fanfic is going to be completely self-indulgent mush and fluff with some hurt-comfort thrown in during later chapters 😆

I just wanted to write about the IronFam going on a breach vacation since I couldn't go on mine during Spring Break this year (stupid COVID) so I thought "why not live vicariously through them" and here we are lol

I hope you all enjoy! 😊

EDIT: Please, please stop asking why they aren't taking a plane or a private jet to the beach.
It's not as fun (both for me to write and for them to experience) and doesn't offer the same domestic, family banter as them all riding in a van and having shenanigans.
This is supposed to be a family story, based off of my own family vacations where we all pile into my Dad's truck and drive down to the Outer Banks, and annoy each other the whole way down.
It's not supposed to be taken as 100% serious and logical, it's just supposed to be fluff and fun.
Just enjoy the story and please stop questioning the logic behind every single thing that happens, it makes writing this not as enjoyable if I'm afraid people are going to knit-pick every single thing the characters do or say. 

NEW EDIT: This is not Starker, in any way, shape or form. That's disgusting and pedopillia and puedo-incestual . THIS IS NOT STARKER.

Disclaimer: I do not own Spider-Man or any related materials.


"You waited until after I've almost packed everything into the car to tell me you forgot something upstairs?"

Morgan, for her part, just nods frantically, ignoring the exasperated sigh her father lets out. Peter shifts from his place next to her, watching as both May and Pepper settle into the far back of the van, Happy seating himself along the right window seat in-front of them with a scowl.

Blinking when Tony turns toward him, the teenager grimaces at the apologetic frown already spreading across the older hero's face.

"Bud, do you think you could maybe do your old man a favor and run to get your turd of a sister's stuffed--what was it again, Morgan?"

"My stuffed elephant!" The little girl says, bouncing on the balls of her feet. "Ellie."

Tony snorts, grabbing onto his daughter's arm so she doesn't slip off the curb. "Yeah, that . I've got to get Morgan settled in and Lord knows how much she hates sitting in her booster seat--"

"I'm a big girl, Daddy, those are for babies--"

Peter cuts his sister off, scooting around her toward the Tower's doors. The early morning sun glistens off the glass and the boy squints against the glare. "Of course, do you need anything else while I'm up there?"

Rhodey sticks his head out the passenger's side window, grinning at his nephew. "If you could grab me an extra diet coke, Pete, that would be awesome."

"Can do." Turning back toward his father, the spiderling winces as Morgan gives a particularly hard kick against the genius's ribs as Tony picks her up. "I'll be right back, Dad."

Tony just nods, grimacing. Peter waits for a few more seconds, watching as the billionaire starts to walk both him and Morgan around the other side of the van, the little girl still wiggling in his arms. Pepper, face set in a firm frown of maternal displeasure, leans up above the line of the seats in-front of her to say something to the pair, but Peter tunes himself out, instead quickly making his way into the Tower and up the elevator.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2020 ⏰

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