Chapter 2

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Kairos POV:

Bruhhh! Why did my dad have to get a job here in Minnesota. Like this damn cold ass state. I'm originally from Florida so coming to this dead state is nauseating for me. I heard everyone here are all nice and I can't stand people like that.

Honestly, the only reason I'm not that mad about being here is that my parents bought me a car to start of my senior year with.

Senior year. I don't even know if my school has a basketball team that I can join. Back in Florida, I was one of the best no cap. But Minnesotans play sum like hockey or frisbee I think.

" Kai! get yo behind downstairs before you're late for school! You have to take your little sister to her school first." My mom yelled as I put on my secret cologne. The ladies gonna love meeeee!

Damn! I put my contacts in one of my moving boxes and I can't see for shit. How the hell am I got drive without my vision?!

As I was frantically looking around, looking for my damn shits I see my ugly glasses from 9th grade. Shit this would do. I checked the vision and it was still my shitty eyesight. (Just imagine him with glasses lol)

Running out, damn near sprinting out the house I just picked up my 9 yr old sister as I ran to the car.

" Put me down Kai, I have my own legs to walk on dummy" my sister Maddy yells.

" shut up, I'm going to run late if we didn't go." she starts laughing at me taking a quick glance at my glasses. "HAHAHA! you look so stupidddd" she said as I started speeding out my drive way.

10 minutes later I arrive at her school and see her already go to a group of kids. smh.. my little sister is super social and I know for a fact if I was her age, I wouldn't even want to go to school.

Gahhhdamn! I'm definitely going to be late to school today. At this point, im hungry, still tired, annoyed that I'm wearing these big ass glasses and I'm not ready to talk to nobody new.

I get to the school and run to get my schedule from the front desk. " Hi, im Kairo Martin and I need my schedule... yes im a senior...Okay thank you" I speed walk trying to find a class and I accidentally bump a dude. He started to stumble back and he looked at me disgusted.

" Watch where the fuck you goin nerd." His group of friends started to cackle like some dumb sheep they is.

His ass stood about 5'9 where as I was 6'2. He ain't stand a chance. So trying not to be late, I just walked away from the situation.

I find my first period which was art and I hear someone yell out my name.

" Kairo?" A girl in the back yelled out looking at the teacher. I was confused as to how she knew my name the second I walked in tf.. I see her look down embarrassed.

" Yes?"

" The teacher asked me to call out my partner for attendance.. I guess you now know we're partners" She said while smiling hard at me.

Not the smile. This the first person with the Minnesota nice mentality. I sigh as I prepare myself to be annoyed with all this girls niceness.

" I'm Honey. Nice to meet you. Are you new? " she asked

I slightly look at her with a dumb face. Is it not obvious I'm new? surely no one can miss a 6'2 handsome ass chocolate man. nah im kidding but fr?

" Yeah, im new. " I kept it short because I just wanted to get through this assignment.

I see her look uncomfortable. Damn. I was probably too mean. I usually come off as mean but I never want to be mean. Especially to a girl.

" Sorry, I just had a bad morning. I know you see these big ass frames on my face" I told her as I seen her laugh a little. She actually has a pretty smile.

"Its okay! They look cute on you." I looked down embarrassed because I know she did not just call me cute.

Cute? cmon. I'm not a little kid or a cute puppy or nothing. Before I could say anything the teacher starts to introduce our project to us.

" So class, today your assignment will be taking a photo and getting accustomed to the camera. You guys will be allowed to leave the classroom to take a pic anywhere for more inspiration, but you will need to return 9:45 so that you can have enough time to submit your pic and pack up by 10. Is everyone clear?"

"yes Mr. Johnson"

As I went to get up to grab our camera, Honey bumps into me as she was trying to get up. She almost falls but I grab her arm

" Its okay, i'll grab our stuff for us" I tell her as I let go of her arm.

She slightly blushes and sits down.


God.. I don't know why i'm blushing. I need to get a grip. This guy is so fucking fine to me. But I have morals so I'm not going to say anything. Even with his nerdy looking self.

AHHH! who you think those group of guys who teased him were?


Honey blushing over Kairo??? Cut it out! Also guys im from Minnesota so its gonna be easier for me to put the setting in MN! also look at my baby kairoooo mr. Handsome FR FR

I hope you guys liked this chapter and so far, im updating daily. Leave your comments below and pls leave a lil vote <3

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2020 ⏰

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