#ibow 50

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My Baby Bop 💋

Today 10:07 AM

If you saw it, it's nothing.

Ahh haha wala yun!
Ex mo pala si Ate Parisse? 😂

Yeah. Matagal na iyon, Betty.
She's just friends with Dustin that's why we see each other.
Delivered 10:09am

Today 10:17 AM

Hindi pa ba kayo tapos mag-ayos ni Madi?
Can I go to your hotel room?
Delivered 10:17am

Today 10:23 AM

Haha aalis kami nina Mads
Iiwan ko phone ko

What? Why?
I'll go with you. Papunta na ako sa lobby. I'll wait for you there.

Baliw hindi ka kasama haha
May lakad daw kayo ni Ate Parisse, sabi niya.

Wth?! No, Betty!
Wala kaming lakad! I only went here because of you.

Hahahaha lol
Alis na kami
Hasta la vista, douche 😌👌

Seen 10:28am


Madi the Gremlin

Today 10:28 AM

Where the hell are you?!

Oh don't capslock me 🙄

Where the HELL are you?!

Jeez, chile 💆🏻‍♀️
Why r you even upset, dude??
We're waiting for a taxi

Wait the fuck for me

Huh,, why?
Hindi namin kasama si Ate Parisse.
She told us niyaya mo siya to go somewhere??

Lmao never.
I see you. Hold on.

it's betty or whateverTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon