Capítulo 9: Canciones y Amores

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Janet lo primero que hizo al llegar a Auradon, fue acostarse a descansar en su cuarto. Pero fue interrumpida por el tocar de la puerta.

Obviamente por ser princesa, contestarìa amablemente...

Janet: ¿Que quieren? Dejen dormir!!!

Jay entrò a la habitaciòn: Hola pequeña guerrera. ¿Cómo te sientes?

Janet: Papà... yo...

Jay: Hija, ¿Porque no me dijiste lo de tu abuelo?

Janet: No creì que lo entendieras.

Jay: ¿Tu madre sabe de esto?

Janet se levantò agitada: No!!! Y porfavor no le digas. Me harà practicar todos los dìas.

Jay: Tranquila. Tu secreto està a salvo... pero... ¿Porque no me lo dijiste? 

Janet: No... No me sentì segura... de decirtelo.

Jay tocó el mentòn de Janet, y una música empezò a sonar.

"I'll be there for you"

Jay: Before I said I wanted a boy...- Janet se girò, triste- But the Olympus kept my mouth shut giving me the best gift... and tha'ts you!!!

Janet: I used to complain that you weren't that perfecta dad, now I realize how wrong I was. Now I know, you're not the best... bout you're my father, yes sir.

Jay: You are my sun, my moon and stars. You are the melody that runs throught my head.

Janet: You are my song, you are a melody.

Jay and Janet: You are the music I listen to all day. And no matter how much the want to keep me away... I will be there for you.

Jay: Maybe Im not the best dad.

Janet: But you love me, and I love that.

Jay: As your father, ,i job is protect you 24 hours a day.

Janet: As your daughter, my job is learn from you 24 hours

Jay: You remind me your mother before... you are worth more than all the diamonds.

Janet: You are my hero, my first man... and no one will remove that name from you.

Jay: You know I'll always be there...

Janet: It doesn't matter if there is snow, or lonliness.

Jay: No one will separate me from you... I am your father, and I will make you smile. You are my daughter...

Janet: You are my father

Jay y Janet: We are family and thas does not separate us. As time progresses... our love flutters...

Jay: You are my sun, my moon and stars. You are the melody that runs throught my head.

Janet: You are my song, you are a melody.

Jay and Janet: You are the music I listen to all day. And no matter how much the want to keep me away... I will be there for you.

Terminaron de cantar, y sellaron la melodìa con un abrazo.

Jay: Te quiero hija.

Janet: Yo màs... papà.

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