Chapter 16

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(3 days later)

It's been a few days of staying distant from ondreaz which have been pretty easy considering I haven't seen him around the house a lot lately. I've hung out with Taylor almost everyday I can't ignore what he did my first day here but getting to know him now he's the sweetest guy I know I climbed out of bed and walked into the kitchen still in my pajamas

"Hey bestie" says Taylor putting his arm around me as he joined me walking into the kitchen

"Hey what's up?" I say

"Nothing how you holding up?" He says

"Ok its really hard but I want to have closure that I can trust him before I go back to normal" I say sitting on the kitchen counter

"Hang in there" he says "oh and by the wayyyyy!" He says exitedly "so tommorows your birthday and I wanna give you an early birthday gift" says Taylor taking a small box from behind his back

"Taylor you didn't need to get me anything!" I say smiling

"I know but I wanted to you deserve it" he says handing me the box

I opened the box to see a diamond necklace:

I opened the box to see a diamond necklace:

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"Taylor!!!!" I say

"Do you like it?" He asks

"No I love it" I say "Your so sweet I love you" I say hugging him

"I love you to" he says helping me put it on

"I love it Taylor thank you so much" I say hugging him once more

"Your welcome" he says

"Heyyyy bitch" says Nikita walking into the kitchen

"Heyy!" I say

"The drip is immaculate" she says pointing to my necklace

"Thanks Taylor just got it for me" I say smiling

"I'm living for this little maylor moment here" she says opening the fridge

"We're just friends" I say laughing

"For now bitch" she says walking away making me and Taylor laugh

"Hey mads can I talk to you?" Says tony walking into the kitchen

"Sure?" I say confused  as he pulled me off to the side

"Listen I know you might not care but I can't listen to ondreaz cry himself to sleep every night over you anymore he hasn't ate anything and he hasn't left his room he just needs you to talk to him he doesn't know why your upset with him and he feels bad for pressuring you to tell him what was wrong" says tony

"Tony if I'm being honest I do care But I think i just need a little time to myself to figure out if I really want a relationship right now" I say walking away

~ drunk in love ~ ondreaz lopezWhere stories live. Discover now