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(Experimentation with stories.)

A silhouette rustles under a street lamp and a trash can falls over revealing an animal inside. It's far too big to be a cat, it being easily the height of a black bear. Though this area is far too close to major cities for wildlife to wander here. A greenish pale hand stretched out from the bin, then another, and then a head and finally a torso. The mangled body of an adult human stumbles out and re-assembles itself. A peculiar scene to witness during the middle of the night; a grotesque humanoid creature comes out from the heaps of garbage as if the neglected dumping area had attracted evil spirits and had spawned a vile creature made from its negative energy. As if the person had just woken up from a trance they look around confused; with a massive head ache they slowly made their way onto the road. They stumbled haphazardly towards the strobe lights of the bars. There is a noticeable homeless population  and all the bystanders looked in shock of the person who had just came out of a trash bin.
His vision getting blurry he struggle to balance on their own legs; eventually his body and his soul surrenders to earth's heavy gravity.

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