Going to his house

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You wake up and get a text from Tony
Tony 🥵🥵
Wyd babe
I'm not your babe and I just woke up
Do you mind coming over to keep me company😏
Yeah  I guess
Come through my window btw
You leave him on read and get ready

You wake up and get a text from Tony Tony 🥵🥵Wyd babe Lexi🥴🥵😏I'm not your babe and I just woke up Tony🥵🥵Do you mind coming over to keep me company😏Lexi🥴🥵😏Yeah  I guess Tony🥵🥵Come through my window btw You leave him on read and get ready

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You grab your house keys and walk to his house,when you get there his window is open and there's a ladder so you climb up and he's not in his room,you jump in his room and sit on his bed and realize that you left your phone home,Tony comes out of ...

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You grab your house keys and walk to his house,when you get there his window is open and there's a ladder so you climb up and he's not in his room,you jump in his room and sit on his bed and realize that you left your phone home,Tony comes out of the bathroom with his hair dripping and you just stare
Tony- you came
Alex- yes I came
Tony- like the view
Alex- no I don't
He walks closer to you and you close your eyes and he whispers in your ear
Tony- some things will be unexpected babe
Alex- what are they
Tony- no talking more moaning and touching
He kisses your neck and you start getting wet and he takes off his towel,and push you on the bed
Tony- we're going to have fun
He lifts up your dress and take off your bra and get on top of him
Lexi- I'm the unexpected
Tony- I'm so scared of you
You start riding him and he groans super loud
Lexi- can you be quiet i need to concentrate
Tony- what are you concentrating for?
Lexi- my math test tomorrow
Tony- you have school tomorrow?!?!
Alex- yes,now shush
You and him cum at the same time
Tony- that's over,you need to go home now
Lexi- you dragged me here so I'm  staying
Tony- you need to study for your test tomorrow
Lexi- I already did
Tony- well study more,not having sex with me
Alex- you kill my mood
Tony- I want you to get dressed and leave and go home
Lexi- I have a overprotective dad now,yay happy me
He pins you to the wall
Tony- do what I say and you get to stay a week
Lexi- are you sure?
Tony- you were going to do it anyway
Lexi- fine
Tony- don't fall either
Lexi- I'm not going to
You climb down and he closes his window and you walk back home and your mom and another car pulls up and it's a guy so you waited a hour until you could go in,you walk in and your mom and the guy are talking about something,so you just walk past and your mom calls you
Mom- where did you go young lady?
Lexi- I went to the library to study
Mom- ok
You run upstairs and you hear something in your room so you grab your bat from your mom's room and you walk in and it's Tony
Lexi- you have to go
Tony- why?
Lexi- my mom is here and if she finds out that I actually went to your house I'm in huge trouble
Tony- just say that I spent the night here
You hear footsteps coming to your room and you push Tony to your closet
Mom- who were you talking to
Lexi- Addison,she called me and asked me if we could hang out sometime and I said no because I was super busy when she asked
Mom- mhm.....ok.....I'm going back downstairs
She closes your door and you lock it and Tony walks out your closet
Tony- your closet is huge
Lexi- leave
Tony- but we didn't have fun yet
Lexi- leave now please
Tony- What's wrong
He walks closer and you move back
Tony- Talk to me Lex please
Lexi- it's you,your getting me in trouble and I don't think that.......
Tony- I get it you just used me
Lexi- no I didn't,your making me act like this,I say no you find a way to make me say yes,you make me smile everyday,even though I think about different things about you but anyways besides the point,I love you Tony Lopez
Tony- oh,so sad you love me,I make you smile,that's pathetic shit
Lexi- you'll lose your chances babe
He climbs out your window and you close it and lay on your bed and start crying and someone knocks on your window but you don't care so you put up your middle finger at your window and Tony starts calling you and you answer
Tony- open the window
Lexi- no
Tony- I didn't mean to make you cry or be mad at me
Lexi- well you did
You hang up and you get up and open your window and go to your bathroom and wash your face
Tony- baby cheeks is sooo cute
You wipe your face and go to your desk and start reading your book
Tony- the silent treatment,really
Lexi- can you just shut up for 5 seconds,thank you
Tony- ok ms.grumpy
He was about to sit on your bed
Lexi- don't sit on the bed
Tony- why no-
He sits on something and reaches in the covers and finds a vibrator
Tony- when did last use this
Lexi- it's not mine
Tony- but it has your cum all over it
Lexi- I may or may not have used it
He walks over to you and sticks it in your virgina and you moan
Tony- and you said that you didn't use it
Lexi- because I only used it once and I stopped using it
Tony- why it looks sexy in you
Lexi- no it doesn't
Tony grabs a chair from the side of your desk and sit beside you
Tony- can we talk about what happened with us
Lexi- what did happen between us
Tony- you remember
Lexi- oh,the argument when I said I love you and you said that that was pathetic shit
Tony- and I want to apologize to you our way
He closes your book and you try to open it again but he spins you around to face him
Tony- I have to leave so I will see you tomorrow afternoon
Lexi- give me kiss
You kiss him and he kisses you back and let go and he goes home and you close your window,you get in your pj and go to sleep

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