The Sorting Hat [Second Generation]

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A/N: Finally did a second generation one shot! The picture is of the actors who played Hugo, Albus, James, and Rose in the epilogue scene!

Lily Luna Potter

Lily was a nervous wreck. She and the rest of the first years had just stepped off the magical boats and were walking up the steps of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Soon they were to be sorted into one of the four houses: Gryffindor, for the brave and daring; Ravenclaw, for the intelligent and wise; Hufflepuff, for the kind and loyal; and Slytherin, for the cunning and ambitious (and according to her Uncle Ron, evil).

Would she be in Gryffindor, like her parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and her brother James? Ravenclaw, like her brother Albus, her cousin Rose, and one of the women she was named after, Luna Lovegood? Hufflepuff like her father's godson Teddy Lupin, Teddy's mother, and Neville Longbottom and Luna Lovegood's daughter Emile? Or Slytherin, like Scorpius Malfoy, his parents, and Voldemort and the Death Eaters?

She desperately hoped to be put in Gryffindor, to please her parents and Uncle Ron. Professor McGonagall told her and the other first years about each of the four houses. Then she led them into the Great Hall. There were floating candles halfway below the ceiling and four long tables that already seated all the older students. At the back of the Hall was a table where all the Professors were seated. She recognized Professor Longbottom and Hagrid.

"Now," McGonagall said, "When I call your name, you will come up and I will place the Hat on your head, and it will sort you into one of the four houses, then you will go sit with your house."

To the red-haired girl it seemed to take forever until McGonagall finally called, "Potter, Lily." She was startled and almost didn't hear the Headmistress call her name, as she had stopped paying attention while all the other names were being called, worrying about what house she would be put into.

The entire hall immediately became dead quiet. Lily took a shaky breath and started walking up the steps. She sat on the wood stool and McGonagall placed the old hat on her head. It immediately sprang to life and Lily jumped when it started speaking only in her head, no one else could hear it.

"Ah, a child of a Potter and Weasley. You are brave and true-hearted like your parents, yes. You are also very smart and loyal. And ambitious, yes, very ambitious. Now, where to put you...?"

"Anything but Slytherin, anything but Slytherin. . ." she murmured under her breath.

"Not a fan of Slytherin, eh? I think I'll put you in. . .RAVENCLAW!" the house of wisdom erupted in cheers as they heard that another Potter would be joining them. Lily sat between her brother Albus and their cousin Rose and they both gave her hugs, Albus was grinning ear to ear at his younger sister.

They listened to the rest of the names, though the only person they knew was their cousin Hugo. He was sorted into Gryffindor like his parents.

Lily was proud to be put into Ravenclaw. She would definitely prove she was intelligent throughout her years of Hogwarts and in her long life after.

A/N: First second generation one shot, what did you guys think? Please comment what you guys want me to do a one shot of next! Also please vote if you liked this and follow me if you want to read more from me and know when I update! (I kind of sound like danisnotonfire from Youtube omg)

If you'd like to know why I haven't updated any of my stories in the past few months, look for the message on my profile from a few days ago and the one on my joined account @MoonandWisdom

THANK YOU FOR ALL THE READS, VOTES, AND COMMENTS. You guys truly make my life better. I love you guys so much! ~Ann

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