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'Alright folks. There is a huge thinderstorm at the nearest location, and so we won't be leaving any time soon. I suggest you all make yourselves comfortable, the men will be here to fix the bus first thing tomorrow.' The bus driver announced. Everyone groaned before returning to their seats.
'Ugh this sucks.' Catherine complained.
'At least we aren't in the middle of the thunderstorm right? Could be worse'
'Yeah. Whatever. Hey, you know what would make us feel better?' She said winking at me, before pulling out her waterbottle.
'You did not!' I said, giggling before leaning over to smell it. Yep, vodka. Oh Catherine. She took a long swing before passing it to me. Oh to hell with it, I'd be 21 in two weeks. I took a couple sips and wrinkled my nose. Catherine laughed at me. 3 hours later and she was passed out on her seat. Most if not all of the other passengers were also asleep, a couple were snoring loudly. It's an eerie sensation to be the only one awake in a bus at a strange location. I looked out of the window to stargaze. There were almost no lights, save the ones from the bus, making the sky bright with stars. A star was moving across the sky in rapid motion. No, not a star. An aeoroplane. I watched as it continued it's journey across the night sky. It made me think of my parents. They'd died in an aeoroplane crash when I was 5 years old, leaving me with Uncle Rich, who wasn't exactly uncle of the year. Oh so what. He was dead. They all were.
You're all alone... a voice in my head said. What are you doing? No money no degree... wasting your life away... the voice continued. I told it to fuck off, but it wouldn't. Soon, i was having trouble breathing again. I had to get out of this bus. I needed air now. I couldn't breathe. I started towards the exit and stumbled out of the bus, taking huge breaths and shaking. The bus' lights were on, which illuminated a small path toward the beach. I walked down the path steadily before reaching the sand. I kept walking until I was in the Ocean. I gasped as the cold water hit my ankles.
'Are you alright?' A voice behind me said. I turned and saw a man. He was at least a foot taller than me, and had the most gorgeous green eyes i'd ever seen. His black hair was effortlessly tousled, and he had an intense stare.

My Name Is Sally JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now