Part 5

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i woke up the next morning it was saturday and josh and nessa are coming over with zach tonight i got out of bed and went to get into the shower

p- noo where are u going

m- i have to get a shower

p- without meeee

he put his hand on his heart and pretented to be hurt by it

m- fine come get a shower with me

p- yess

he ran to our bathroom and got in i followed he looked my body up and down and i got shy so i covered my body with my hands and he chuckled

m- whattt

p- i find it cute how we have been married for 8 years and u still try to cover ur body up like u know that wont happen

m- i just get shy when u stair at my body

he then started to touch my body and run his hands down my sides

p- well no need to be shy bc this is all mine baby

i just laughed and we finished showering and we got out i did my hair and light makeup and got dressed he just got dressed we then went down and made breakfast

am- mommy

we saw amber walk down the stairs

m- yes baby

am- i hugy

m- well breakfast is almost done

p- come on lets go take ur pull up off baby

she dosnt wear dipers she just wears pull ups so she dosent have an acadent

p- ok shes good now

m- did u go potty in ur dipper

am- no mommy i didnt

i looked up at payton

p- she really didnt

m- good girlll

i picked her up and spun her around and hugged her

a- what is all the noise

am- i went no potty at night time

a- i did that at ur age i even wiped my own butt

p- no u didnt

a- what yes i did

m- nope u made him do it for u but with me i wouldnt do it

a- oh

p- ya oh i have wipped all of are kids asses

m- hey

p- i mean butts

we all laughed

as- morning

m- morning sweetie

am- daddy

p- yes sweet pea

am- i dont feel good

p- aww whats wrong

am-my tummy hurts and my head

p- mommy

he looked at me

m- k lets take ur temprture

i had one of the ear ones

m- omg 37.6 c

a- what does that mean

m- she has a fever hunny can u go run her a cold bath

p- ya

i went and got her a cold glass of water

m- drink

am- no mommy

m- drink now baby please

she drank it and i went and out her in the bath

p- baby what should we do about nessa and josh coming over

m- oh tell them we will rescadule i dont want any of them getting sick

p- ok

am- mommy i want grandma

m- baby grandma isnt here rn

am- aww

m- u will see her soon

m- baby can u get her out of the tub please

the christmas break just started so it is flu season i went to go get some medison when just my luck we ran out of kids ones payton walked out of the bathroom with amber in a towel on his hip

m- hunny we ran out of kids stuff so i have to quickley run and get some u will be ok with all of them right

p- ya be safe

m- i will love u

p- love u to baby

i went to the car and drove to target

paytons pov

am- where did mommy go

p- just to the store she will be back soon

we went to her room and i put her back into her pjs and brought her to our rooma nd put her on the bed

p- what do u want to watch

am- barbie

p- ok

i put on barbie and sat with her i then heard adaley yell

a- dad

p- coming

she was in the bathroom so i stood outside the door

p- yes hun

a- um when does mom get home

p- she will be a little bit what do u need

a- um i um started my period

i was shocked and nervous i dont know what to say

p- um im gonna call mom

p- hey

m- hey whats wrong

p- um adaley started her period and i dont know what to do

m- ok go get her the pads i got her she wont want a tampon yet and just let her relax i can get her some other stuff here ok

p- ok bye love u

m- love u to

i hung up and went and got the pad and slid it under the door when she came out she hugged me

p- baby whats wrong

a- now my stmouch hurts

p- its just cramps ur mom has them to go watch the movie with amber and relax mom will be here soon

a- ok

asher and annie were playing in the living room

p- guys come play in mom and dads room ok so i can watch u bring ur toys

as- ok

then got there toys and ran to our room i sat on the bed and cuddled with amber and adaley and waited for madison to get back

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