Chapter 8

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I was on my own, you know rinsing of the dirt from my body. Swimming in the river, when I was done I went to put my clothes back on. I got dressed and out of nowhere this bear comes running towards me. I screamed and started running in the opposite direction; my heart beat in my chest so hard it hurt. 

"Riley," I yelled hoping he'd hear me. The bear was close behind me and I was running as fast as my legs would allow.  "Riley!" I yelled again.  The bear had caught up to me and swiped at my arm making it bleed. I had stopped to climb a tree hoping that this bear wouldn't be able to follow me, but I lost my footing and I fell, knocking the wind out of me. 

Riley showed up in the nick of time. The tiger came out with a fierce growl going up on his back legs, pushing the bear down.   

As soon as I got breath in my lungs, I inhaled a mouthful. Getting up I started to climb the tree again, quickly. Once I sat secure on a branch, I looked at my arm. The cut was deep and really, really, red.  I couldn't see what was going on down below through the leaves and branches, but I could hear the growls and screeches. And then, all of the sudden, I could hear nothing at all.  

I climbed down the tree as best as I could only using one arm. Riley was there to greet me and by this time I felt like crying.  

"Thank you," I said patting the cat on the head. Riley noticed my arm and started whining.                "I'll be okay, boy." To tell the truth I didn't know if that was true or not. I know what I need to do is get to the water.  I ripped the bottom of my shirt and used it as a tourniquet.   The cat started to lick my injury; I started to cry, but not because it hurt, but because that was the scariest thing that has happened to me. I fell to my knees, instantly wrapping my arms around Riley's neck burying my face in his fur.

"That was so scary," I told my tiger between sobs. My head came up and Riley licked my face.         "Riley," I said irritated.  I whipped the slobber off with my uninjured arm. I smiled at Riley when he nudged me with his head.

"Come on, lets go," I said walking away from the river.  

Riley got us dinner that night, as usual; it was a snake this time.  It took me a while to fall asleep, but when I did it was dreamless.   When I woke up it was raining. I love the rain, because to me that means a lazy day. I lay there for a minute enjoying the rain falling on my face. Riley was nowhere to be seen, but he was probably getting breakfast. I noticed that I had grown a few inches, my clothes were not as long as they once were.  

There were nights that I would wake up in a cold sweat from a nightmare, Riley would get drench in tears, if he didn't like it he didn't say anything, not that he could.    My good little Riley. I kept telling myself that the nightmares would go away, and when they did I would let out a big breath, releasing it slowly.  I should have known that would happen when I saw Michael choke Gabriella to death, but that faded too.  All these thoughts kept running through my head until Riley dropped a dead turkey at my feet and chuffed.  

Weeks went by and I saw no sigh of Michael. I convinced myself and told my brain to stop feeding me lies.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2020 ⏰

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