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tw//nsfw, sexual mentions, smut (yes already)

Myungjun walked into their dorm and dramatically flopped onto the couch with a sigh. He had just been rejected for the third time that week.

Since Jinwoo was in his room, doing God know's what, Myungjun doesn't have anyone to comfort him.

Myungjun goes on blind dates. Many blind dates. But almost every guy he's met has rejected him. Myungjun wanted to cry.

"Am I just not good enough?"

"Is it because I mess around with my best friend?"

"Am I too short?"

"Am I too ugly?"

"Am I too annoying?"

All of his insecurities continued to pile through his mind.

He also resorted to 'Tinder', that online dating site, but could never find any luck. That day, he just met someone who he has talked to through that online dating site. But it was nothing like he had imagined.

Jinwoo suddenly came out of his room all sweaty and saw Myungjun spread out all over the couch.

Myungjun looked up towards him and raised an eyebrow. "You were masturbating, weren't you?"

"Pretty bold of you to assume that. But yeah, I was." Jinwoo answered.

"You don't have to do that. Just continue to take your sexual desires out on me." Myungjun laid his head back down and dramatically sighed for the second time that day.

"What happened? He rejected you?" Jinwoo asked, and walked over to the couch, pushed the other's legs over, and sat down in that empty space. Myungjun nodded awkwardly, and Jinwoo chuckled at his awkwardness. "Why did he reject you."

"He wanted a virgin." Myungjun fake cried, and put his hands over his face. "How am I supposed to uno-reverse my virginity?"

"You could have just lied about it and said you were virgin."

"He would find out I'm lying in the long run, and I don't want to lie. He's too nice to be lied to." Myungjun said. "Anyways, just fuck me."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I need it, and judging on what you were doing before I got here, you need it too." Myungjun said, with another sigh and a look at Jinwoo. "We can do it here, or in your bedroom. Not mine, because we about broke my bed last time."

"Alright, we can do it in mine." Jinwoo said, as he stood up, and carried Myungjun 'bridal-style' into his room and onto his bed.

He immediately attacked Myungjun's lips with harsh sucking and biting on the bottom's top lip, and it didn't take long before their tongues were in each other's mouths. They were making out incredibly fast, and Myungjun was too lost in the pleasure he even forgot how to breathe. It has been a little while since he's had this wonderful of a kiss.

He moaned as the taller continued his kiss down his jawline, and bit and sucked in areas around there, forming lilac colored hickies in seconds. Jinwoo's hands came to unbutton every single button on the latter's shirt, and pulled it off, and he continued to create those hickies all over Myungjun's body.

Myungjun loved seeing all those hickies all over his body when he went in front of the mirror. It showed him he wasn't completely lonely.

Ever since they first met, their friendship had become beneficial and they'd do this many times.

Jinwoo stripped both of themselves completely, so they were both nude. He continued to mark Myungjun's lower abdomen, and when he believed he was ready, Jinwoo reached over to his bed-side table, and pulled a bottle of lube out of his drawer.

He applied some to his fingers and flipped the older over, onto his stomach. He stuck in his first finger, hearing a moan come out of Myungjun's mouth. The cries already started, and though they had done this many times before, it still made Myungjun scream and cry.

Jinwoo pushed in his second finger, and fingered him until he was ready for the third, then the forth. Until Myungjun was stretched enough for Jinwoo to fit into him.

He applied lube to his cock, and pushed into Myungjun quickly, and heard a scream come out of the bottom's mouth, but it wasn't loud, since he buried his face into the bedsheets. Jinwoo thrusted in countlessly.

Myungjun gripped the bedsheets as he screamed and cried, while Jinwoo fucked the life out of him.

It's been a while since he's had a good scream.

They both came hard. It was quick, but it didn't matter. It was enough to keep their sexual desires satisfied for a little while.

"You always tire me out." Myungjun breathed out, continuing to pant after that.

"You wanted that, don't go putting the blame on me." Jinwoo scoffed, as he pulled out of him, and flopped right next to Myungjun. "Do you want me to carry you out of bed, or do you want to stay here."

"I'll just stay here, if that's fine with you."

"Whatever, you do it all the time, so it doesn't matter to me what you do." Jinwoo replied. "If you need any food, I'll get it for you."

"I'm not hungry, I ate a bit earlier." Myungjun said, with a yawn. "I'm going to sleep. Wake me up when September ends."

"Shamelessly plugging Greenday, I see." Jinwoo chuckled, shaking his head. "And I guess, goodnight then."


Myungjun fell asleep right there, and Jinwoo sighed. Not too loud, as he knew the older wasn't a very deep sleeper. He took his phone off of his dresser, and scrolled through his social media, while random thoughts ran through his mind.

"I wonder if he'll ever get a boyfriend."

"Would if he does get one, what will I get?"

"Nothing, Jinwoo."


"You've got to get rid of that crush on him."

"Remember, the number one rule of a beneficial friendship."




"But I did."

"What the hell am I supposed to do?"

"Either break it off, confess, or find someone new."

"Would if my heart is telling me not to break it off?"

"Would if it's telling me not to find someone new?"

"Would if it's telling me that I should confess?"

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