Part 1

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A/N: I wrote this narrative with my friend, Frankie, for a class assignment. It's only two parts, but it's epic. We got 100% on it. Hope you enjoy :)

There once was a girl named Amber Green who lived in a small town in California. She was very odd compared to all of her classmates. For that same reason she had been bullied and picked on since the fourth grade. She wore big thick glasses, sweaters, and unmatching shoes. All of the other girls wore pretty dresses and were dressed nicely everyday.

Her only friends were her teddy bear and cat. Her teddy bear would talk to her and would always question her. That’s how he got his name, Socrates. Her cat, Patchy, had died when she was eight. She outgrew Socrates when she was ten years old, so she had no friends whatsoever.

As Amber entered high school she entered a living hell. The bullying got worse. She would come home with injuries or limping. Everyday, her locker was covered with hateful notes and nobody did anything about it.

                As the years passed, Amber developed a burning hatred towards her bullies and fellow classmates. The worst of them all was Jessica Marks. Jessica felt superior to everyone because she was cheerleading captain, she had perfect grades, and she was the most popular person in the school. Her best friend, Danielle Evans, picked on Amber too. She didn’t think it was right, but she didn’t do anything about it. Jessica’s boyfriend, Ricardo Gomez, helped Jessica bully Amber and make her life miserable. His friend, Joshua Brown, was the goof of the bunch. He had no regrets about bullying Amber with his friends. They would all torture Amber everyday.

                On the last day of their senior year, Jessica had big plans for Amber… truly evil and cruel plans. During lunch, Amber was reading in the empty library. Out of nowhere, Ricardo and Joshua came in. They had large grins plastered onto their faces. Nothing good can come from this. Amber didn’t acknowledge their presence.

“Hello waste of life,” Ricardo teased causing Amber to look up from her book. She stood up and started to leave. The boys did not like this. They started walking closer to her and cornered her. Jessica came in, holding a roll of duct tape.

“Thanks, sweetie,” Jessica thanked Ricardo. She duct taped Amber’s mouth and arms so that she couldn’t scream or escape.

They snuck out of the school and shoved her into the back of Ricardo’s blue Volkswagen. Amber started kicking the back of the driver’s seat frantically, but got slapped by Jessica instead. A handprint was left on her face. She stopped kicking the seat.

 They drove Amber to the forest and brought her to a clearing. Danielle was already there, waiting against a tree. In the middle of the clearing, there was a pocket knife, a kitchen knife, large scissors, a long rope, a baseball bat, and a pistol. Amber’s eyes grew bigger, in a terrified manner.

“Wait… What are you doing?” Danielle asked nervously as Joshua pushed Amber’s face to the floor.

“We’re going to kill her,” Jessica answered with a smirk. Danielle’s eyes widened in fear.

“What did you think we were going to do?” Joshua asked with a stupid grin.

“Shut up Josh,” Ricardo said as he rolled his eyes.

Joshua and Ricardo tied Amber to a tree trunk. Ricardo bent over and picked up a baseball bat. He hit Amber repeatedly. His hits were very hard considering he was going to college on a baseball scholarship. Amber couldn’t scream because of the tape, but tears flowed out of her eyes like a fountain. Bruises started forming on her freckled skin.

Next, Joshua picked up the pistol and aimed it at Amber’s forehead. Danielle couldn’t stand to watch him kill Amber, so she covered her eyes with her hands.

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