Chapter Three

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(Ariana still has the same outfit because it's a still going on from chapter two so yeah lmao😂)

"We should all try to get some sleep before we land."

The team quickly got up and sat where ever on the jet, as we all got settle I felt a presence sit next to me. I looked up from my book to see Morgan right next to me.

"So how is it flying in the air?" He questioned, I gave a slight stare as to why he bothered me while I was peacefully read my book.

"It's fine I guess. I've been on many plane rides before this just feels the same." I laughed.

"That's crazy don't disrespect my girl." He said while rubbing the seats as he referred to the jey, I looked over rolled my eyes as I laughed.

"I need a nickname for you since babygirl is taken by Garcia."

"Please don't." I laughed, looking down at my book.

"Oh come on.. how about cupcake?"

I looked at him like are you dumb. I burst out laughing.

"Who the hell put's a nickname as cupcake." He made a fake hurt expression.

"What! That's a good one," he laughed, everyone on the jet was asleep except me, Morgan and Hotch.

"Keep telling yourself that buddy," I playfully hit his shoulder.

"Wow you wanna play that game angel." He laughed, we started to play fight like were little kids. I felt someone starring at us, as I looked it was Hotch.

He looked upset and annoyed, he avoided eye contact once I looked

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He looked upset and annoyed, he avoided eye contact once I looked. Damn what crawled up his ass.

(Few moments later)

After that whole thing with Morgan, I finally got some peace and quiet. I curled up into my seat and started reading, as I began I got side tracked an looked out the window I started to think about how am I gonna do on my first case.

(Pretend it's Ariana with long brown hair)

(Pretend it's Ariana with long brown hair)

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