The Zodiacs

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When terra and Rex are done with the conversation she decided to give him a tour around her world since the world that he's from is different and similar, it was peaceful until the humanity takes over isolating by their own knowledge of society. But Terra is very kind mother who takes care of her world, loves for all creatures no matter how and what terrible they are, most of all she is a forgiving person the problem is that Rex since he's going live with Terra he's going to put some pressure not on animals but humanity who treated her to pay the consequences. But Terra had an idea, how about giving them Zodiac Powers and Rex agree for that matter but he's going put a test on them like" those that are worthy shall wield this power to bring balance and peace in this world" then she set up the race of who will be the first Zodiac in the beginning of the year. Terra called the animals that are chosen for the race, Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig. Their all in track of the starting line to be prepared when Rex and Terra starts their signal

Rex and Terra: On your mark..get set..GO!!!

All of the members of the race starts running and the first place is Aries and the rest are on number, after the first day of the year Terra uses her magic to give all members of zodiac's their talents and abilities while Rex gifts them knowledge of the cosmos. Aries is then a first Zodiac comes up with the idea of creating a the beginning of the year, asking Rex

Aries: Lord Rex, will it be alright if we do the every beginning of the year race?

He responses

Rex: yes, for the Race of the Zodiacs will happen in every beginning of the year now go on with your days

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2023 ⏰

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