The New Normal

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Claire is blissfully happy for the first time since that horrid phone call from the police letting her know that she lost her husband and Lou lost her father. Her and Miles seem to be getting closer with every passing day and to her relief, her daughter seems to enjoy having him around as well. And, of course, her mother loves to tease her about her newfound relationship with the district attorney as well as her co-workers; at least that's what her mother tells her. Miles drops by every morning at the house or at the office if he has to go into court early and he comes by every night to have dinner with the family. They have frequent night outs and have within the past week or so taken to saying the three magic words; 'I love you'. Claire can't help but smile whenever her boyfriend's name is mentioned or whenever his name pops up on her phone with a call or some sappy text that gives her a warm feeling. Miles has taken to sending her small encouragements throughout the day or to congratulate her whenever she wins a case; which instantly brightens up her day.

It's a Wednesday morning and she just finished making her some breakfast when she hears a knock on the door, which she immediately goes to answer. As soon as she answers the door, she is greeted by the site of her handsome beau who is grinning from ear to ear.

"Well, good morning counselor." Claire says with a smile
"Good morning Claire, may I come in?" Answered back Miles in his upbeat tone
"Of course!" Replied Claire as she moved, letting in the man that has made her so happy.

Miles enters the house, closing the door behind him and following the beautiful women in front of him as she heads back to the kitchen.

"Would you like some coffee?" Claire asked
"Sure, if you have enough." He answered back
" Well, you're in luck because I just fixed some." She replied as she got a cup and moved over to the coffee pot.
" Great!" Miles said enthusiastically as he grabbed a seat at the island, which conveniently for him was where Claire had set her breakfast. As she turned back around, it was to find him eating her food as he look at the newspaper sitting on the counter next to him.

"Would you like some food with your coffee?" She asked sarcastically as she moved towards him, rolling her eyes at him.

" Uh...what?" He replied distractedly as he was in the middle of reading an article

" You know I'm beginning to wonder if you came over to see me or if you just came for the free food?" Claire stated affectionately as she handed him his mug. With that statement, Miles looked up at her, then moved his eyes from the plate to her beautiful face, finally landing on his amazing girlfriend as he stated with a straight face,

" Oh, I definitely came for the free food."

" Ohh!" She answered back as she swatted at his arm. Miles broke into a laugh as he pulled Claire closer to him.

"Oh, I'm just kidding!" He replied as he wrapped his arm around her waist and gave her a kiss on the cheek

" Yeah, well maybe I won't answer the door tomorrow and I'll just leave you to fend for yourself. How about that?" She answered him good-naturedly as she tried to keep a straight face before giving up when he answered back with a wounded look

" That would be a cruel and unusual punishment counselor, which just so happens to be against the law." He replied as continued with the kicked puppy look

" Ummm, you're going to have to do better than that, I am quite immune to such looks" She stated as she braced her self for what was coming

"Oh, yeah?" Miles asked as he upped the adorable factor as he tried to break her resolve

"Nope, it's not going to work." She said as she looked unimpressed by his plan, while inwardly she was dying from how cute he was being. At that moment Lou entered as she noticed the clear standoff between her two favorite people.

"Uh oh, what happened now?" She asked

" He was caught red-handed stealing my food again and he is trying to get out of it." Her mother replied as she rolled her eyes at him once again. A smile made its way onto Lou's face upon witnessing their antics yet again as she walked further into the kitchen.

" Oh, well then by all means continue." She stated back with a smile as she grabbed some cereal for her to eat. Miles sputtered with his response as Claire smiled triumphantly at her daughter.

" Hey, come on. You're supposed to be on my side." He stated as looked at the young girl pleadingly

"Actually, she's my daughter, so technically she's supposed to be on my side." Claire stated with a smug look on her face as she went to high five her little girl

" But she's my buddy." He stated back. By then, Joanne, who had come in shortly after Lou, stated gravely as she laughed inside,

" I don't think you're going to win this one pal." Upon hearing that Miles sighed dramatically as he looked at what he likes to call his girls, who were smiling proudly.

" Yeah, you're probably right." He replied begrudgingly

" Oh, I'm right." Joanne said as the smile she's been holding back came out, which in turn left them all to laughing at the bantering as grandmother and granddaughter shared a look between them. After everyone had finished eating, Miles and Claire walked to the door and proceeded to go into their own cars and head to work.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2020 ⏰

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