No pogue left behind

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A/N this is a completed one chapter imagine. I wrote it for fun and my friend insisted that I post this. Hope ya'll enjoy 😉


Through the walls I hear the screech of tyres abusing it's brakes. So I rush over to the window along with John B, Pope and JJ. To my dismay I see two men, both wearing leather jackets and black denim pants, along their belts a satchel is hung, containing large metal guns, causing my heart to pound underneath my skin. One of the men is tall and broad, the other small and agile.

"Guys, guys is that them," I panic. John B instantly starts backing up on JJ pointing a finger towards his chin.
"JJ, JJ where's the gun?" John B asks in a rushed tone.
"The gun, I uhh," JJ stutters.

"Now you don't have the gun, the one time you need the gun," My hands begin to shake in fear and my knees are trembling, I'm trying my best to compose myself but the emotions are too strong.
"It, it was in my backpack," a light bulb seems to flicker on inside JJ, "it's on the porch," he immediately clambers to the door handle, speeding into the porch but is interrupted by the towering squall of the men.

"JOHN ROUTLEDGE!!" JJ instantly redirects his movements back, towards the room and shoves the door shut behind him, "GET OUT HERE!"

"They're on the porch?" Pope questions quietly, uneager to draw attention to the room.
"They're on the front porch, yes," JJ replies, equally as quiet.


"Guys, we gotta leave," I whisper as my voice cracks.
"Window, window," Pope suggests, while hastily scrambling towards the window.
"What's happening, what's, what's," I panic trying to help JJ and Pope who are using their best efforts to open the window.
"It's painted shit ok," JJ replies viley.

I turn my body to the room, filled with junk piled upon junk but manage to find a screwdriver and I shove it into JJ's hands. Behind me John B is standing by the door, leaning his weight against the wood, on the other side of the door one of the men is attempting to kick down the door.

As I look back towards JJ the window is pried open and my heart lunges out of my chest. I signal Pope to go first, then JJ, then John B. But as it was my turn the door is thrusted off of its hinges and the tall man sprints up to me and clutches my wrist then around my waist, restricting my limbs. In the distance I can see the boys stopped, dead in their tracks, noticing that I wasn't behind them.

I guess no Pogue left behind is pretty relative right now.

I'm dragged out of the chateau by my hair causing a few strands to give way to the tug. I can feel the tears rising in my eyes, from the pain and from the fear my mind is being abused upon. As we come to the outside of the house about 10 meters away from the Pogues we all stop, everything is still.

The man holding me, wraps his arm around my neck, pulling me into a tight embrace.

"Let her go," John B yells in a protective tone.
"COMPASS FIRST!" The smaller man screeches directing his gaze to John B and pulling out his gun and aiming it to the side of my head. I can feel the cool metal against my scalp and suddenly the tears begin to silently fall down my cheeks. I let out a few sobs and JJ lurches forward protectively.

"Let her go now, and we'll consider giving you the compass," Pope argues.

The man tightens his grip on my neck and I gasp for air, my blood is clogging up in my veins and I can feel my eyelids becoming heavy.

"JOHN B, GIVE HIM THE FUCKING COMPASS!" I can hear a muffled JJ yell towards John B, the longer they delay the tighter the hold. Spots of black appear in front of my eyes and my legs give way, but he continues to hold me up.

John B throws the compass to the men who immediately run off into their car, leaving me to fall to the ground. All three rush over to me but JJ runs the fastest, the 3 are only blurry figures but I can hear muffled yelling.

"KIE stay with me, come on get up..."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2020 ⏰

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No Pogue Left Behind *JIARA* *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now