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Blinding, deafening, numbing.

The realization of the decision she would inevitably have to make broke something inside of her.

She knew the pain wouldn't stop unless she made a choice.

One one side, stood someone she couldn't imagine her life without, and on the other, the fate of the elvin world.

The voices of her friends and her family swarmed through her head, innumerable voices begging her to run.

But she was tired of running. She was tired of holding back. She was tired of being taken advantage of. So she let go, and unleashed every ounce of her pain into the surroundings, until the world around her turned blurry.

The last thing she heard before she closed her eyes was a familiar voice, screaming her name.

Keeper of the Lost Cities - Unlocked (A Sokeefe Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now