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I lay in bed, staring at the ceiling above me, my insomnia getting the better of me.

Both excited and nervous thoughts ran through my head.

Were the fans going to like the album?

Was the concept too much?

We're they going to notice too many things?

I shook my head, trying to clear those thoughts.

I leaned over to the bedside table, clicking off the lights. Maybe the stillness of the dark could relax me enough to fall asleep.

It was late, after all. Blue Night had ended not too long ago, and I had plenty of things to do in the morning.

I stretched, being careful not to move too much, and rolled over onto my side to look at Key.

I immediately smiled at his sleeping form. He was wearing a loose tank top that revealed part of his chest and emphasized his collarbones. My smile turned into a grin when my eyes adjusted enough in the darkness to see the small red marks that peppered the areas exposed by his shirt.

I had gotten a little too happy when he had finally finished Zorro, and I didn't bother to hold back much.

Not that Key complained.

It is a nice thing that he can cover those up with scarves and jackets now that it is winter.

My eyes made their way up the trail of marks from the ones hiding under the edge of his shirt, to the ones on his chest, and, finally, his neck.

I spotted a particularly large bite, right at the edge of his jaw, knowing exactly when that one had happened.

My hand reached out to touch it, and he stirred in his sleep. He unconsciously leaned towards my hand, in hailing and exhaling deeply.

My eyes wandered up towards his lips, and I stifled a giggle.

His perfectly bow-shaped lips were parted in the most adorable way, a bit of drool escaping from the corner.

With my free hand, I wiped the corner of his mouth. He seemed to notice the touch and be stirred in his sleep.

He moved away from me slightly, turning onto his back. I closed the gap between the two of us, and propped myself up on my arm so I could see him well.

I almost laughed when some of his hair flopped into his face, adjusting to the move, and his nose twitched a bit.

I wrapped an arm around him and pulled him closer, nestling him into my body, while flinging one of my legs between his.

He groaned a bit, and I knew I was waking him up, so I just leaned down and kissed him.

It was just a small kiss intended to calm him down before he woke up fully and started yelling at me, but since his lips here already parted and moist, I couldn't help myself.

I trailed my tongue on the curve of his upper lip, and his arms sleepily made their way around my waist, pulling me closer to him.

He kissed me back, lazily and sloppily, and I loved every second of it.

I had ended up on top of him, keeping my weight off of him with the support of my left arm above his head and my my knees, the right between his legs, and the other on his right side.

He looked up at me with half lidded eyes that made me want to do much more than kiss him, but I held back.

"Jong, why are you awake?" he said with a husky, sleepy voice that sent a shiver down my body.

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