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It had been a week. A week of being followed by the strange young man. He seemed to be everywhere that Alys was; Reading a book in the barn, Walking in the fields, even strolling past the manure pile!

Lifting a hay bale off the pile, Alys thanked God that he was leaving her alone now, no where to be seen.

"Hallo, Alice."  Alys winced as his sing song voice was heard behind her.

"Mornin. You're pronouncing it wrong again, sirrah. Eh-lee-s, not Eh-lis."

Ignoring Alys' derogatory term for him, he replied in a simple manner, "But Alice sounds nicer, mi love."

Swinging around, Alys looked his straight in the eye and growled, "Look here, boiled-brains. My name is Alys, not Alice. I need to work. And I am not YOUR LOVE! Go away! Gossip with my mum or somethin'."

"Your mum! Okay!" He scuttled away towards her hut.

"Nuh.... Oh well." Alys went back to feeding the horses.

Book 1:The Age of DisasterWhere stories live. Discover now