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Monday's everyone hates Monday's right? Whoever doesn't hate Monday's are probably psychopaths because Monday's are horrible and should not exist.

That's exactly how Peter felt at this moment. So far he's had a pop quiz in every single one of his classes. Maybe he wouldn't be as annoyed as he is if he got a decent amount of sleep last night, but he didn't because he has a freaking presentation for his speech class and he was up all night practicing.

"Parker are you done with your quiz you only have two minutes left." Misses Johnson spoke. "I understand if you need a few more minutes."

He tried to hide his distaste of that sentence but he couldn't.

"I'm done." He said flatly handing her the exam.

She only ever does that to omegas stupid alpha. "I think your mama should teach you how to speak to alphas boy, your lucky enough to even be in this school don't back talk me." She ordered.

"I'm sorry, no I do not need any more time on the quiz. Would you like me to arrange them in alphabetical order?" He asked sweetly.

"That's very kind of you dear, of course." She smiled triumphantly handing him the stack of papers. "Be a dear and mark them for me as well please sit at my desk. The answer sheet and red marker is by the computer."

Peter drug his feet to her desk.

'Fucking bitch' he thought to himself plopping down in her desk chair.

"And tomorrow I expect you to come to class in a business casual blouse, a skirt that stops at your fingertips,stockings, and a heel that has at least two and a half inches. That is school dress code for omegas."

"yes ma'am" he spoke and continued organizing the papers. he swallowed the lump in his throat, after all this is how she grades him, how all of his teachers grade him, even the Physical Education teacher is a knot-headed alpha.

The thing is its even a privilege to even be able to attend this school because they barely even allow betas, so if he has to work three times as hard as everyone else in this school then so be it because this is his only ticket to MIT. He needs this preppy sexist private school on his resume. So when push comes to shove he just shuts his mouth, smiles and does what hes told because he has to if he wants to succeed in life.

Peter spent the rest of class marking the quizzes while all the alphas and very few betas had free time. Mrs.Johnson walked over to her desk and hovered over peter until he finished. "thank you, Omega. You aren't so bad when your not back talking. You should just keep that pretty little mouth of your shut and any alphas would be happy to wife you." she smiled.

'is that supposed to be a compliment' he mentally retorted before smiling. "thank you, ma'am."

The lunch bell rang and peter made his way to his desk and grabbed his back pack.

'Ugh you gotta love Mondays, right?' he thought to himself.

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