Part 1

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*All images used throughout this story are not mine. I got them off Google*

Jason's P.O.V

So, there I was, standing stupidly at the Zeta tube which, for some reason, wouldn't grant me access, while bleeding from a gunshot wound in my right arm. I was trying to figure out why I couldn't go through. I guessed Tim or Damian had hacked the system for a bit of a laugh. Well, I didn't find it funny. I was beginning to feel dizzy from the loss of blood, which didn't help when trying to hack a high- security system. If Dick had ever been there, he would have managed it easily.

I eventually managed to get in, and I stumbled through.

Dick's P.O.V

I heard the Zeta tubes going off but, strangely, no name was announced so, I went to investigate. I was glad that I was the first there. Jason lay on the floor, dressed as Red Hood, a small pool of blood beginning to collect beneath his right arm. I rushed to his side.

"Dick?" he asked softly,"What are you doing here? I thought you were at the cave."

" I am," I replied, " so are you."

"Oh," he said, realising his mistake.

"Come on," I said, helping him up, "we need to get you to the medbay."

I draped his left arm over my shoulders to support him and we began to walk towards the medbay.

"Nightwing?" Aqualad asked, coming towards us, "what is he doing here?" he gestured to Jason.

"He needs medical attention," I said simply.

"But he's a villain," Superboy said, joining the conversation.

"I'm not," Jason said thickly, the blood-loss getting to him.

We managed to get to the medbay without further interruptions, receiving glares and gasps along the way. Once there, I cleaned and bandaged Jason's wound. He took his helmet off while I was doing it

"I'm glad I decided to wear the mask underneath the helmet," he said

" Yeah, me too," I replied

Just then, Tim, Damian and Bruce arrived.

"Jason," Bruce (who was dressed as Batman at the time) said darkly, " you were supposed to report every hour."

"Well," Jason said, " I got a little distracted."

Bruce gave him a batglare, but Jason didn't flinch.

We were all silent for a minute, Jason sitting on the edge of one of the beds. Bruce was the one to break the silence.

"I have made a decision," he said firmly, "I think it's time the team knew our identities."

"What!" we all cried

"But surely?" I began

"That's final," Bruce said.

There was no arguing with the Batman. He turned and walked out of the room. The four of us followed behind him. 

417 words

Hey guys, 

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