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I make my way into the small town, killing a few of the roamers is that get remotely close to me. I clean out the small town before moving off of the road and onto the train tracks watching ahead of me quietly twigs snapping under my feet as I come to a medium sized cabin with two graves, both compacted with fresh dirt. I sigh loudly. "Rest In Peace" I say quietly not bothering to check the house. "Survivors were here already, there wouldnt be anything left worth taking" I think outloud to myself as I walk through the woods again, stepping over roots and twigs, trying to be as quiet as possible. Gripping my knife tightly, paranoia starts to become my main problem. I look around over my shoulder and to the side constantly. My hands becoming jittery and sweaty. I switch my knife around in my hands as I wipe the weat from my hands onto my jeans. I put my knife away, to keep from any accidents, I take precautious steps as I walk onto the train tracks again, a large train car infront of me as I read it outloud. "Terminus, Santuary for All. Community for All. Those Who Arrive Survive." My eyes scan over to the map. "Seems like a load of bullshit if you ask me" I mumble to myself looking further down the traintracks. "Well, this is gonna end terribly, but what doesnt now a days. Atleast its a chance for survival" I speak to myself again, starting down the traintracks again staring at the track ahead of me as I walk, sometimes looking over my shoulder.


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