Chapter One

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Asena pushed through the gates of Castle Black beside Tormund and Edd, leading the rest of the Free Folk to avenge their fallen friend

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Asena pushed through the gates of Castle Black beside Tormund and Edd, leading the rest of the Free Folk to avenge their fallen friend. Jon Snow, who had quickly grown to be one of Asena's greatest friends, had been betrayed by the same men who were meant to have his back. Her eyes travelled up and landed on Alliser Thorne with a fierce glare, she watched as a group of men gathered in front of her and aimed their bows at any Crow in sight. Thorne yelled at his men to attack and only one foolishly listened, charging at Tormund with his sword drawn. His stupidity cost him his life and he fell to the ground, lifeless not a moment later.

"Fight, you cowards!" Thorne yelled.

"If you want us dead, why don't you grow some balls and try it yourself?" Asena mocked, sneering up at the traitor.

Out of the corner of her eye, Asena saw a Crow aiming at the giant behind her. She quickly turned, throwing her sword like a spear and piercing the man straight through the heart. Wun Wun reached over to the dead body and pulled the sword out, giving it back to Asena with a nod of gratitude. When she turned back, the woman could see the Crows behind Thorne slowly drop their weapons, much to the distress of their leader. Asena thought it said a lot about a person when those following them left as soon as actual danger arose, most that the person was a shit leader.

"You fucking traitor," Thorne spat as Edd and Tormund stepped closer to him, Asena keeping a watchful eye on the rest of the Crows.

"The only traitors here are the ones who shoved knives into their Lord Commander's heart," Edd countered, gripping his drawn sword and glaring at the man he used to call 'brother.'

"For thousands of years the Night's Watch has held Castle Black against wildlings," the old man ranted, making Asena bare her teeth at him as his eyes settled on her. "Against the likes of you."

"Until you," Tormund commented, a shout soon distracting him from Thorne as little boy charged at him.

The boy was disarmed within seconds and restrained along with every other traitor in Castle Black. How the likes of them had managed to defend the Wall for this long genuinely baffled Asena, the woman now unable to see them as anything other than weak.

"Throw them into the cells where they belong," Edd ordered before they made their way into a room where Jon's body laid bare on the table.

It was a shocking sight, the once strong and courageous man now laid defenseless in some back room of a forgotten castle. Tormund laid a hand on Asena's shoulder as they both stared down at the lifeless body of their friend. Of the man that had saved them. Asena fought against the urge to throw the man's hand off of her shoulder, knowing that he did it more for his own comfort than hers.

"Took a lot of knives. I'll have my men get wood for a fire. Bodies to burn," the ginger said, Asena finally stepping out of his hold to rest her hands on a nearby table.

"How soon can I kill those fuckers?"

Because she wasn't just sad or grieving Jon's death. She was was fucking angry.


Asena stood with Tormund, Edd and Davos as the Red Woman started a ritual to try and bring Jon back to life, much to Asena's disbelief. The priestess wrung out a cloth and used it to clean the wounds on Jon's chest, cutting his hair and beard as the other three looked on with baited breath. She threw the hair and cloth into the fire while muttering something in a language Asena didn't understand, the wildling woman keeping a cautious hand on the hilt of her sword.

"Please," the Red Woman begged before looking up at Davos with regretful tears in her eyes.

Tormund scoffed and stomped angrily out of the room, Edd following him silently and the Red Woman walking out last. Asena didn't move as Davos lingered beside her, staring down at Jon's lifeless body.

She hadn't even wanted to do that dark magic shit in the first place, hadn't wanted to get her hopes up on something that would inevitably disappoint her. Like most things, and people, ended up doing. Now there she was, her heart in her stomach as she held back tears. Jon had been her friend, a pain in the ass, but her friend nonetheless.

"You should get some rest, it's been a long day," Davos spoke up, looking over at the brunette with worry clear as day in his eyes.

Not without reason, of course. Asena hadn't slept since the news had reached her about Jon's death, and she had barely eaten on top of that. Davos had every right to be worried, but it still pissed her off. How can he be worried about her when their friend was laying fucking dead in front of him?

"I'm fine, you should take your own advice," Asena replied, glancing over at the old man beside her before settling her eyes back down at Jon.

Davos just sighed and exited the room, leaving Asena to settle into a chair next to Ghost. The direwolf rested its head on her foot before closing its red eyes once again, mourning Jon's death more than any of them. The woman smiled comfortingly down at Ghost, her smile faltering when the direwolf's head snapped towards Jon. Asena all but leapt out of her chair and raced towards her friend as his eyes snapped open and he gasped for breath. He was alive...

Jon Snow was alive.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22 ⏰

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