First Date 🧚🏻✨But Make It Raining✨🧚‍♂️

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A/n: Hey Ik it's kinda crazy that I wrote two days in a row but I did. Ik these are a little unrealistic but they are fun lol. Also thank you for 100 reads! This is crazy, I am just some 14 year old girl with a head full of thoughts! I am happy you guys like it and Ik that some people want certain things to happen so if you want to send me ideas I might be able to write them! (You will obvi get credit😗✌️) Thank you so so so much!
*After John B fell off the tower*
"Hey guys I have to leave or my dad will kill me," Pope said after the ambulance took John B and Sarah.
"Okay, see ya!"
Pope ended up taking The Twinkie, leaving JJ and Kie in the rain, because they weren't ready to leave just yet.
Kiara's POV
"Hey you wanna go up there," JJ asked me, pointing at the tower.
"Sure. It's really wet!"
"That's what she-," JJ started but I cut him off with a glare.
We were about half way threw the stairs when I got tired. "Why are there so many stairs," I complained.
"I don't know, do you want me to carry you?"
"Sure JJ," I laughed sarcastically.
"Okay," he picked me up bridal style!
"JJ put me down. We are going to fall, there are lots of steps and it's raining," I squeaked.
"Don't worry. I wouldn't even dream of dropping you," he whispered, pulling me a little bit closer to him. I felt this new feeling but I couldn't put my finger on it. It was good though. Like fireworks but inside me which sounds weird.
We finally got to the top, and he set me down. "See, all safe and sound."
We sat down under the hooded area to shelter from the rain, since Pope and his big brain decided to leave with the van.
"JJ, come sit here," I instructed, motioning towards me.
He obeyed but not without a snide remark. "Couldn't get enough of me mama, could you?"
"Put a dick in it!"
"Mama's mad," he chuckled.
We made some small talk and it was getting very late. I was very cold but didn't want him to see, but he did. "Kie are you cold?"
"Little bit," I chuckled.
"Okay here you go," he spoke as he took out a dry sweatshirt from his bag.
"Oh no I am fine," i insisted.
"No, you aren't you are practically shivering."
"You are cold too, so why does it matter, you wear it."
"If you won't wear it for yourself, do it for me," he gave me puppy dog eyes, "please!"
"Fine, but turn around."
General POV
JJ turned around as directed but so did Kiara. As Kiara had her back turned, JJ glanced at her bare back, then his eyes drifted back to the horizon.
JJ has always liked Kiara, but John B was his brother, and he liked her. JJ kept his feelings a secret, and used harmless flirting and hookups as a distraction.
Kiara, she had liked JJ. She always had but her father never liked him. He disliked all the pogues, but JJ he hated.
Kiara's POV
"Okay I am done," I said as I turned around. I had changed into JJ's sweater. It was really big, and comfy. It was so warm and smelled like him. I began getting that feeling again, but I don't know what it is.
"You look nice," he smiled.
"Thanks," I blushed.
We sat down and talked. Somehow we ended up on the topic of John B. "You really love him, don't you," JJ questioned.
"John B, you love him like for real right," he asked hope in his eyes.
"JJ I love him, but now I know how. I love him like a brother, and I don't want that bitch Sarah to hurt him."
"Okay. It's okay don't get all angry, I understand," he put his hand on my shoulder.
"JJ, why do you ask?"
"Oh I just wanted to see if you were interested in anyone," he smiled like he was hiding something.
I finally made my decision. Today is when I am telling JJ. Right now.
"What about you?"
"What do you mean?" He asked.
"Like are you interested in anyone?"
"Oh I have a person in mind," he looked down.
"Me too," I sighed copying his motion. I am terrified right now. I have no idea what he feels for me and I don't want to fuck up our friendship.
"If you tell me I'll tell you," he stayed after a brief moment of silence.
"What are we ten," I laughed.
"No but I want to know. I can't have any guy with you," he smiled. We were sitting facing each other, a good 4 feet away.
"Why? Why can't 'any guy' be with me," I interrogated.
"Because," he said voice getting slightly louder.
"WhY," I asked teasing him.
"BECAUSE I LOVE YOU!" He yelled.
"What," I asked not comprehending that JJ Maybank, the love of my life confessed his love to me.
"I love you Kie. I always have. I have loved you since the class trip on the main land we took to Carowinds in the eighth grade. You were wearing a bright blue t-shirt and light jean shorts. You had on your favorite Chucks and were my buddy system partner."
Before he could say anymore, I kissed him. I leaned over and closed the gap between our lips. He kissed back then pulled away. It looked like when I pulled away from John B. It was horrible. I was embarrassed.
"I am so sorry," I said and held my face in my hands. I let a tear or two escape, scared I would lose my best friend over some stupid kiss.
"Kie, it's not your fault. It's just that John B really liked you. I don't want him to be mad at me. And You know," he paused.
"No pogue on pogue macking," we said in unison.
"JJ he has Sarah now. He won't care. What if tomorrow we go on a date, and if you don't like it, we can end it and no one has to know. Just give it a try, please," I begged.
"No," he stated and I let out a sigh.
"Um JJ I think I am gonna like call an Uber and go home," I said standing up and pulling out my phone. He stood up and yanked the phone out of my hand. He pulled me into a long passionate kiss our lips never parted but the didn't need to. Just the touch of them created more of the firework like things in my belly.
He pulled away, " We aren't going on a date tomorrow. We went on one today. And you are right John B and Sarah are together now. He has no right to be mad."
"Okay, but what do you mean 'we went on one today'?"
"Kiara, we sat here for hours talking about random shit, just us two. You are wearing my sweater and we kissed twice, tell me that isn't a date," he laughed.
"I didn't even realize."
A few minutes later, the rain slowed up. "JJ the beach is right there can we go?"
"Anything for you princess," he smiled.
I ran down the slipper stairs, and to the beach, not looking where I was going. There were some screams from JJ but I ignored them. I heard a car coming, as I was crossing the street but paid no mind to it. Soon after, I felt my back hug the ground. There was also arms wrapped around me.
"Are you okay? Are you hurt," JJ asked after helping me get up.
"I am fine but what was that for," I asked genuinely confused.
"There was a car. I was scared I was going to lose you, so I ran and made it just in time."
I just flung my mouth open wide. JJ saved me.
"Thanks J," I pulled him into a hug.
"Anytime," he smiled.
The sun began to rise, and we watched it. We spent the whole night together, just talking and laughing. It was amazing.

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