Like Ducks

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Monday, August 21st, 2023

Scorpio's POV

"Hey, Scorpio!"

I knew exactly who the voice calling out to me belonged to. Frankly, I did want to put up with anymore of his bullshit.


Maybe if I walk faster, he'll go away.

"Are you even listening to me?"

Just. Keep. Walking.

"Did you fuck Taurus while I was dating her?"

I rolled my eyes. Goat Boy saw the damn video. Great. Abso-fuckin'-lutely fantastic. I turned to face Taurus's ex.

"No, I didn't fuck her while you were together. I did, however, make up for all the orgasms you failed to give her after you broke up. Now leave me the hell alone."

I made my way into the old band room, slamming the door into the hipster's face. God, how did Taurus even date that weirdo?

She always had a weird taste in men, so I'm not really surprised. She always went for the sensitive boys who wore oversized sweaters and beanies and only drank black coffee while listening to Fleetwood Mac on vinyl.

Her relationships with limp wrist bastards like him seemed all peachy and dandy. That would be until she realized they sucked in bed, and she came crawling back to me, begging me to fuck her into next week.

We made a pact in middle school. It went something around the lines of "we'll have sex in order to lose our virginities to someone we trust." After the first time, it slowly morphed into a friends with benefits relationship. Everything has went swimmingly so far. No one has caught feelings. No one has been pregnant. And no one has been emitted to the hospital.


"Buenos días, Mamacita," I greeted Taurie. "See that. I practiced just for you."

"I thought you would've practiced that for the Spanish quiz this week."

"You'll help me cheat, right?"

"I'll help you study."

"You're no fun." I pouted.

"I don't want to get caught cheating."

"We've never been caught before, and speaking of cheating, your ex confronted me in the hallway."

"Which one?"

"The one who smells like stale nachos and goats." She sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose.

"What'd he want?"

"He wanted to make sure you weren't cheating on him with me."

"What would possibly make him think that?"

"I dunno. Maybe the video of me plowing into you at Snake's Out-of-Prison Bash," I said.

"Do people not have anything better in their lives?

"In this small ass town? No."

"I can't wait to get out of here."

Aries's POV

I thought the hot football player new kid would be surrounded by hot babes and cool guys. I guess I was wrong. I was still stuck hanging out with hipster brainiacs. Maybe Virgo and Capricorn were cramping my style, and that's why the girls aren't flocking around me like seagulls.

I sat between Cap and Virgo who were talking about colleges that would never accept me.

"Where are you planning on going?" Virgo asked.

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