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I Immediately fell to the ground, and hid behind his couch. My heart was racing as I heard several gunshots fill the house.

Zion ran to his closet and pulled out a uzi and a pistol. While I just sat there lost and confused because it had just occurred to me that Tyrone never told me what I was supposed to do once I got inside.

"Alr look, idk what the hell is goin on so just get behind me and stay close." He spoke with a sense of urgency.

"You must've been smoking that good shit if you think I'm finna go down there." I replied looking at him like he was crazy.

"We can't just sit up her and wait to die."

I just stared at him blankly, unsure of what to say.

"Look do you trust me?" He asked making me regret this whole thing. He's a really sweet guy and he doesn't deserve this.

I nodded my head yes and he grabbed my hand pulling me up off the floor. He put the pistol in my hand and said: "If shit goes left use this"

"But I've never used a gun before-"

"Well this shit is life or death, so you need to make a decision." He yelled interrupting me as he walked out the door.

Suddenly tyrones voice boomed throughout the house.

"Y'all niggas really thought I was goin let you get away wit that bullshit!" He yelled

I quickly ran to catch up with Zion who was standing at the top of the stairs. I stood closely behind him trying to be as quiet as possible.

"Y'all took one of mine so now ima take one of yours" he spoke sinisterly while holding Edwin in a headlock with a gun pointed at his head.

Brandon stood alongside the boy from earlier and a new boy who was tall and pale. He had long dark brown hair and sported a pair of brown glasses.

Each one of them had guns aimed at Tyrone. But the girls from my gang had them outnumbered so they knew if they shot at Tyrone they would be dead.

"We didn't take shit from you man, she chose to come with us" Edwin yelled struggling to escape from Tyrone's grip.

"Zion what is he taking about, what did y'all do?" I asked curiously.

"Don't worry about it ok trust me you don't wanna get caught up in this shit." He replied.

"If only he knew that I was the cause of this shit." I thought to myself.

Out of nowhere three black girls bust in the front door holding machine guns.

"Let my man go you sick son of a bitch, or ima air this bitch out!" A black girl with a cute little Afro yelled. She was only about 5'4 but she was braver than me.

"Aw shit look who we have here, the trader." Tyrone snickered tightening his arm around edwins neck. "Shay I still can't understand why you left me for him, he ain't shit-"

"No Tyrone you wasn't shit, and now your mad that I found a man that actually loves me." She declared interrupting Tyrone.

"Nigga I didn't come here to discuss why I left yo ashy ass. Now let him go." She added.

"Tyrone can I blow this bitches brains out or not cause she starting to get on my last nerve." Dearra asked rudely.

"Try it and ima gut you like a fish hoe." Said the light skin girl standing next to nick.

After that both gangs begin to argue and throw shade at each other creating a sea of voices.

"Alright! That's enough." Zion shouted as he walked down the stairs interlocking our hands as we finally revealed ourselves to the group.

"Now this shit done went to far. Tyrone I want you and all your bitches out my house right mf now." He said sternly.

"Nigga I Ain't going nowhere til I get good and ready"

"Alr." He spoke plainly as he snatched Dearra by the neck and held a knife to her throat.

"Are you good and ready now nigga" he asked Tyrone

"Ty let's just go they got us beat." Emaza whispered into his ear.

"Fine." He yelled releasing Edwin from his grip.

Zion did the same with Dearra.

"But I'll be back and next time ima kill every last one of y'all." He growled

The girls began to retreat through the back door.

"Kianna bring yo ass on." Tyrone yelled looking back at me.

Zion stared at me in confusion.

"Kianna how do you know him?" He questioned letting go of my hand.

I didn't have the heart to tell him the truth. So I just looked down feeling guilty.

"Oops did Kianna forget to mention that she works for me" Tyrone said sarcastically.

"Now you know how it feels to be betrayed."

Zion couldn't even look at me anymore while the others just stared at me with eyes filled with anger.

"I knew not to trust yo ass." Edwin spoke harshly.

"Zion I'm so sorry-"

"Get the fuck out my house!" He yelled


"I SAID GET OUT!" he yelled even louder this time as he dragged me by my arm to the door and pushed me out. Leaving me with nothing but a heart full of guilt.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2020 ⏰

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