Snake Bites

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Another old contest entry. It was for the "slash stereotype contest." My stereotype was "People with Piercings". It's slightly modified from its former state because what can I say I'm a better writer now and I got inspired. ;) 


"Up yours," I mutter to the obnoxious Preps snickering at me. I normally am nicer to girls, but they had just gotten finished making fun of me for my latest piercing.

I'm sick of people stereotyping me and making fun of me just because I have multiple piercings. It's beginning to get a little more than ridiculous. Just the other day this girl named Tiffany asked me if I had a certain male part pierced just because of my septum piercing. Which, of course, that gave Gerard the idea to shove me into a locker and call me a "metal faced faggot". I may be gay, but that doesn’t have anything to do with my piercings.

But my best friend Bastian is more understanding. He once told me his favorite thing about me is my piercings. And tomorrow he's driving me to get my snake bites redone!

I am walking to my math class, busy thinking about tomorrow, when someone shoves me into the row of lockers. "Watch where you're going, metal face!"

"Wow, okay, that was uncalled for," I sort of half square up to him and say.

"What? No nice big line of profanities from the little metal faced rebel?"

I narrow my eyes at him. "Just because I like to pierce things doesn't make me a rebel, I’m perfectly obedient to my parents, nor does it mean I swear. In fact I don’t."

He just shakes his head and walks away mumbling ‘freak.’ I bite my lip to keep from further provoking an attacke. I begin walking to my next class again when a warm hand snakes around my slightly exposed waist. (Don’t give me that disapproving look my jeans are really baggy because I have no butt to support them.) I look up, frightened, only to see it is just Bastian.

"Are you okay?

"Yeah, I'm fine. Why?"

"I heard two excited freshmen talking about what they just saw."

"Oh. Yeah jocks are jerks. Whatcha gonna do?" I say with a simple shrug of the shoulders. It was absolutely humiliating that Bastian found out. I usually try to hide these things from him. But I guess it doesn’t always work because people don’t know how to mind their own business.

"Ahem," he says.

"Not you, sweetie," I say before standing on my tippy toes and kissing his cheek and then walking into math. He used to be a wrestler before he came out. He still has some of his buddies, but he no longer is allowed on the team. I’m not really sure if it is the coach’s rules, or the other wrestlers. (And, no, we aren't a couple, he's too much of a man whore, but I love him like a brother anyway.)


"Are you sure you want to get your snakes redone?" Bastian asks from his spot leaned against the car door.

"Positive," I say smiling and push the door open. I walk into the parlor alone, no need for Bastian to see me cry like a tiny girl if my snakes hurt worse the second time.

"Can I help you?" Some streaky blonde asks from behind the desk, snapping her gum. She isn’t a regular so I have no idea who she is. Shaun must have gotten fired for something is all I can guess.

"I'm here for my four o'clock appointment."

"What are you getting done?"

"Snake bites."

"Kid, do you really think you need any more piercings?"

"Do you really think you need your job anymore?" I uncharacteristically snap. But who could blame me? I mean a kid can only take so much.

She looks at me, opens her mouth, shuts it, opens it again, and finally shuts it again.

Fortunately for the both of us, Liv walks around the corner. He normally does all my piercings, and he is also the guy I have a ginormous crush on. And when I say ginormous I mean it. He’s the reason I have half the piercings I do. "What are we getting pierced today?" he asks cheerily.

"I'm getting my snake bites redone. I let them grow up," I say in the tone of a child being scolded. Then I give him my world famous ‘I’m sorry’ look and I know he is not really mad.

He makes a clucking sound and drags me to his station without a word. I plop into the chair, fold my hands in my lap, and stare up at Liv with big eyes.

"You're getting more adorable every time I see you," he says getting the tools he needs for jabbing things into my face. I know he is just being the horrible flirt that he is, but I want to believe that he is serious.

I giggle an excellent response. "You are too."

"I don't know about that," he says shaking his head and laughs.

(I do.) 

"Oh, whatever."

He chuckles and swabs my bottom lip with an alcohol pad. I tense a little waiting for the needle that was soon to follow. I really hate needles despite my obsession with piercings. (Or the man who does them!)

"This shouldn't hurt too bad, sweetie," he says before piercing my lip.

No count down.

I screw up my face in pain. It honestly didn't hurt that bad, but I was anticipating it and that always makes it hurt worse. Plus, I may be a huge baby when it comes to pain, I’m not really sure.

 "I'm sorry," he apologizes tugging on his bottom lip with his teeth.

I nod signaling him to do the other side, seriously regretting ever taking them out in the first place. He pierces the other side quickly, not giving me any time to think about it. Which he seriously has no idea how much I appreciate that. After a moment I reach up and feel the new additions.

"Wanna see?" he asks, beaming, handing me a mirror.

"Sure," I say and look in it.

I feel like they pulled my face together. I now have a septum piercing, a Monroe, my eyebrows, my ears gaged, angel bites, and snakes. I smile at myself testing them out and then smile up at Liv.

“Oh, I love them! They really pull my look together!”

"I'm glad you like them, because you’re running out of places on your face to pierce" he says with a laugh and stands with his arms folded across his chest.

He can be quite cocky when he wants to be. It never fails to make me want him. I think he must have noticed that because he comes dangerously close to my face. I just look at him waiting for his next move. He seems to be having a minor conflict going on behind those gorgeous silver-gray eyes and then he straddles me. Without thinking I immediately wrap my arms around him and pull him and his tasty lips closer. He leans down and kisses me. Gently at first, but then it becomes more heated and he slides his had up my shirt.

I pull away, before it could get any further, panting. There’s something I want to do before something freaky happens.

He searches my face and then says six magical words that I was looking for, "Will you go out with me?"

I nod happily and pull him back to my lips.


Liv looks over at me with a smug grin on his face; he licks my bottom lip and says, “You know you’re not supposed to kiss right after you get those done. They good get infected.”

I smile at him, ear to ear, a crooked little smile and reply, “Now you tell me. Oh, well good thing I’ve got you around permanently in case I need them re-pierced.”

“Good thing,” he says and bites the tip of my nose before kissing me again.

All I do is sigh contentedly, not worrying about the potential infection, or Bastian waiting outside to take me home. I just worry about Liv’s body against mine.  

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2012 ⏰

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