secrets untold

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Maxine: (wakes up to a sound coming from dorm 102.)

(He/she gets up and quietly goes to Investigate)

(Maxine ever so slightly exits their dorm and goes over to the door of room 102.)

(The sounds continued as he/she walked towards the door)

Maxine: (whispers) what is going on in there?

(He/she gets alittle closer to the door and peeps through the little window that the door had)

(Everyone inside room 102 seemed to be asleep, except for Veronica.)

Maxine: (in mind) what in the world is that girl doing?

(It seemed that Veronica was looking and going through her roommates stuff)

(She individually took something out of one of the bags)

(From the bag by her left side, shes picks up a flower crown that supposedly rose had made.)

Maxine: (in mind)  a flower crown? What would she need that for?

(Veronica looks at the flower crown very closely, the crown seemed to be made out of roses, but not just any roses. The roses were a maroon red.)

(Maxine saw Veronica's eyes beginning to cloud like she was in deep thought)

"The rose....the rose he always wore on his suit..."

(Veronica mumbled her thoughts out loud, oblivious to Maxine behind the dorms door)

(After veronica comes back from her trance like state, she throws the flower crown to the side and grabs something from the next bag.)

(The next thing she grabbed was a pair of wodden chopsticks.)

(Once again, veronica looked closely at the chopsticks and her eyes start to cloud again)

"They look exactly like the ones he had...although he didn't use them for eating...but for something much worse...."

"He'd pin a woman to the wall by jabbing each chopstick through both hands...and would pin her arms to the wall as if they were nails..."

Maxine: (whispers) man, this dude really is messed up...

(And once again, Veronica throws them to the side)

(The final thing she grabbed was not in a bag, but was next to lily)

(Veronica takes her phone  off the nightstand and starts looking through it)

Maxine: (has a confused and annoyed look on their face) (they whisper) really? We're doing this again?)

(Veronica looks through the photos on Lily's phone, until she comes across the photo of the frozen body from the other night)

Veronica: (she whispers)

"ew...why does she have a picture of a dead body on her phone?"
(She then gets lost in thought for the third time as she analyzes the photo closely)

"hold on....he looks...kinda familiar..."

(Shes lost in thought as gets another vision of a single framed picture, a specific one. A familiar one that rose told Lily about)

(The man in the cooler looked exactly like Berwick Slade. The previous owner)

Veronica: (drops the phone from her hand and has a shocked and guilty look on her face) (she mumbles again)

"MAXINE" a scribblenauts fanficWhere stories live. Discover now