Chapter 1

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(That's your uniform. Pretend you're in a simple pair of black dress pants and a white button up until you change but you still have the bag. You wear your robe over everything including the bag that goes over your shoulder like a duffle bag. You wear the leather wand holster on your upper thigh and the sleeveless turtleneck goes under everything. I will add a picture of your wand later)

I shuffled my way into the large castle I was to consider now as my school with a blank face. As I shuffled inside an older looking female was waiting for me. "We've been expecting you Ms. Thorn! You may refer to me as Professor McGonagall." She seemed to be trying to come off welcoming, I gave her a slight huff of acknowledgement but my mouth didn't form a smile, although I tried my best to come off well meaning in the gesture. I would hope so. I was invited to this school after all.      (things underlined are your thoughts).   She seemed to have taken the hint that I was soft spoken and smiled. "If you may, follow me to the Great Hall for your sorting and then for lunch." She started walking away as I swiftly followed but realized quite quickly that I had to slow down. I may be....short for my age although I hated to admit it or even acknowledge it, but my lack of leg length never stopped me, I always walked swiftly and with purpose.

We eventually made it to the Great Hall and she pushed open the large doors. I could hear the loud talking and chattering from outside the doors but when Prof. McGonagall opened them everyone went silent. I followed her quietly across the silent room until a few loud whistles were heard. It seems as though a few people enjoy what they see. Those disgusting blokes. I didn't let it appear as though I heard the obnoxious cat calls though, determined to ignore those unpleasant people. When the lady and I eventually made it to the front of the room it wasn't silent any more as some people were faintly talking about me. I felt a pair of eyes staring at me but I ignored it as the headmaster I already knew as Dumbledore started introducing me. "If you would all quiet down. This young lady is (Y/n) Thorn. She will be joining us as a 6th year after she is sorted. I trust that you all will respect her and help her grasp the basics here at Hogwarts." What a joke. I won't fit in here. I'll feel just as misplaced as I did in my previous school. I kept a straight face as I concluded my status here in Hogwarts I'll be a shadow to most and hated by the rest. I inwardly scoffed at this. I'm kind to those I trust but only a few held that status. Those being Dumbledore and my owl. "Ms. Thorn could you sit down so you may be sorted." Although being kind that wasn't a question more of a demand to instruct me on what my next movements will be. I gave a curt nod and sat down in a mahogany chair with a red cushion on it. I don't care what house I'm in. As long as I can focus on my studies and people don't bother me too much. I felt a large hat being placed on my head and I just sat patiently. "Ah yes, (Y/n).'re a complicated one aren't you?" I felt the hat speak as I gave a barely audible grunt. "You don't see the world as most do....ah well I suppose I should sort you now." After about a 10 second pause the hat spoke again. "HufflePu-....Slytherin!" Quite a few gasps were heard from the sea of students and about 2 from the behind me. They weren't expecting that, your family has always been in Gryffindor. My family was well known for my father's success in sports and such. The hat went limp and was taken off my head and I stood up and walked over to the long table with students in green, black and white themed attire sat as they cheered about having another person join them. I assumed this was the Slytherin students due to the disappointment evident on the other tables faces. I swiftly made my way to the end of the table closest to the door. It was bare and devoid of people so that was where I desired to sit. As I sat down Dumbledore made an announcement "Now lunch will start as usual and you will all be given an extra half hour to eat due to the delays." A few students cheered but I didn't quite understand why. Another half hour in a room full of people. How is that something to cheer about? A large assortment of food suddenly appeared in front of us all and I blankly stared at the dark oak table I was seated at. I decided it would be for the best if I ate a bit. I just got a variety of fruit and began eating. After I finished I groaned quietly. I had finished in about 7 minutes. That frustrated me slightly because the room was full of loud and immature students that were talking loudly. I was aware that I had around 58 minutes left of this. I did research on this school before arriving because the cheeky old hag I considered a friend known by Dumbledore convinced me to look into this school. Lunch was normally 45 minutes long but the added 30 made this half as long as a feast. The more I came out of my thoughts the louder the students around me got. Oh dear Merlin these people are speaking amongst each other as if The Dark Lord himself were coming to claim their tongues. As that thought went through my head the same pair of eyes I felt watching me earlier were back but the feeling didn't last long as I fidgeted with my hands.

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