Chapter 4

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I woke up with a pounding headache and as I turned on my side it got worse.  I looked at the time and sighed, 6:29 I got up and went to the bathroom. My eyes widened at the huge bruise on my cheek, is this from Snape or Gavin? I gently touched my cheek and winced. Ouch, it hurts so muuuuch! I touched it again. Because I'm a stupid bitch okay? "Ow! Shit...." I sighed and brushed through my (h/l) hair with my brush and left my bathroom to get dressed. No school should I wear?
Grabbing some clothes from your closet you laid them out and decided on an outfit.

I looked at the time again and I started panicking 6:47?!?! I ran around my room grabbing my pencil pouch, sketchbook, wand, and a handful of other books and shoved them in my satchel. Checking the time again I quickly fixed my outfit and put on an emotionless face, opening the door. I speed walked through the common room, ignoring the stares that were not unusual. I just assumed that my little gift on my cheek got me more attention. I walked and walked until I made it to the potions room. Luckily right on time. Knocked and at the gruff response I entered. I kept my head down so Snape couldn't see the aftermath of last night. "It's about time...I thought you'd be late. Start to clean the ingredient closet. And please for the love of Merlin, don't break anything!"

I hastily made my way over to the closet and started taking ingredients off of shelves so I could clean and reorganize everything. As I worked I got lost in thought, if he saw the bruise he'd laugh. I can't stand that spoiled fool. You'd think for a man as old as dirt he'd be kind like Dumbledore. I wish I could curl up and read. Unknowingly I touched my bruise and hissed quietly. That asshat can definitely hit hard. I wonder if he'd ever do it again? I sure hope not because this hurts so bad. So lost in thought I didn't notice that I dropped a glass of spice until I heard the glass shatter and the booming voice of Snape. "You bumbling fool!" I heard the scrape of his chair legs against the floor as he got up quickly. Sudden fear rushed through me and I dropped to my knees the clean it up. He grabbed me from my wrist and yanked me out of the closet. The feeling of his hand gripping my wrist sent waves of memories from last night and tears filled my eyes. You can't stand being yelled at. It reminds you so much of your father. I tensed and brought my other arm up to defend my head. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to I swear!"

A blow didn't reach my head but he was still yelling. "You expect me to believe you after the stunt from last night?! Look at me when I speak to you!" I didn't move to look at him, desperate to keep the bruise from view. He growled and grabbed my face, forcing me to look at him. The pain from the bruise and harshness from him made tears spill. Black tears poured out of my eyes and I cowered hoping to be spared the physical pain.
My eyes were squeezed shut tightly, I didn't plan to open them, too afraid of the man who had me in his grasp. His hands immediately contracted and I backed up to the wall.
After a few moments I calmed down and reasoned with myself. If he was going to hit me, he would've already. Just calm down. I heard soft footsteps approach me and I looked up, wiping away my tears. Snape was approaching me slowly, like I was a doe and at any moment I'd run, his eyes full of pity.

As he made his way towards me I took notice of how his hair swayed slightly with each step, how his dark eyes were broken, and his thin lips, which were in a soft scowl. Part of me knew it wasn't because of the situation we're in, but the rest of me denied that I would've taken notice of these things on my own, any other time.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Dec 31, 2020 ⏰

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