Chapter Six

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"Tommy wake up! Hey Tommy!" a voice said as someone jumped onto the bed, I rolled over and covered my head with the duvet. It was promptly pulled off as I mumbled and looked up. "About time the others already left" ashley said, "what time is it?" I asked. "half past 12 in the afternoon" rehearsals start in 15 minutes are you actually kidding me!" I exclaimed jumping out of bed and going to have a shower.

Once I was done I quickly dried myself and pulled on my jeans, jumper and pulled a grey beanie over my damp hair. "Arent you going to eat?" ashley said leaning on the counter of the tour bus, "i'll get something later come on we are going to be late" I said as I headed across the car park with ashley behind me. We got inside just in time as adam smiled, "morning lazy or should I say afternoon" he said.

"Shut up" I said picking up my bass and plugging it in, we worked through our lunch break to get the tracks down. Technical issues made it last longer, everyone wasnstarting to get a little aggy with each other. Ashley and monte kept snapping at each other while adam was getting annoyed that we could rehearse without something happening. I generally kept clear and minded my own buisiness, Im not going to get in fights with them.

"Ok everyone enough with the fighting take a damn break!" adams manager said stepping onto the stage. Everyone sighed and headed to the dressing room to chill out, we've been on tour for just over a month now its gone so quickly. My phone rung as I put it to my ear and wandered into the corridor, "hey babe" I said. "Hey tj how are you?" ellie asked, "im good how are you and the baby?" I questioned. "We are ok but thats not why im calling, your dad hes had an accident at work I thought you would like to know" she said.

"Oh right is he at home now?" I questioned, "no hes in the hospital they are keeping him in" she told me. "Which hospital?" I asked, "miami general" she answered. "Ok give me an hour" I said, "but tommy your miles away" she said. "Nope im not im in dowtown miami im coming to the hospital stay there ok"  I rold her, "ok babe love you" she said putting the phone down.

"Im going out back in a couple of hours" I said to the others as they stared at me, "seriously we still have to rehearse" monte said. "You will have to manage without me im sorry but I have something I have to do" I said running up the hallway as adam shouted after me. I ignored him and hailed our driver, "afternoon mr ratliff" he said climbing out. "Hey look can you do me a favour?" I asked, "sure" he said. "I need to get to miami general hospital as soon as?" I asked, "sure sir" he told me as I slid into the front of the car.

He pulled into the traffic and looked over at me, "is everything ok sir?" he asked. "I hope so" I replied as he nodded and focused on the road. Palm trees passed the car as I watched all the cliche american girls strolling down the boadwalk, good thing this car had tinted windows they wont ever know it was me. I watched as the hospital building came into sight, the car pulled into a space as I pulled my beanie down and put my glasses on.

"There you go sir i'll wait out here" he said, "thank you and also please dont tell adam where I am if he calls you know what hes like" I told him. "Ok whatever you say sir" he said as I smiled and climbed out of the car, I shuddered as I reached the door. The last time I was in a hospital was when my granma died, I swallowed and walked up to the desk. "Can I help you?" she asked, "yes im looking for my dad ron ratliff?" I said.

"Hes in room 697 3rd floor" she said as I thanked her and headed to the elevator. The doors pinged as I stepped onto the floor and made my way in the direction of the room, I hate hospitals. The smell or them and the brightness of them it kind of freaks me out a little, I found the room and pushed it open.

"Hey tommy" my mother said hugging me tightly, "hey mom how is he?" I asked. "Hes ok mild concussion, sprained ankle and a few cut and bruises" she explained, "What happened?" I questioned sitting on the chair. "He tripped over something and fell down a couple of steps they are keeping him in for the night to keep an eye on him" she told me. "Wow im sorry I couldnt get here sooner wait wheres ellie?" I asked looking round the room.

"Bathroom I think, shes been weird lately" my mother told me. "Yeah about that has she not told you?" I asked, "told me what?" she questioned. "Shes pregnant mom" I said rolling my eyes, "really?! Im going to be a granny!" she said excitedly. "Yes you are" ellie said appearing next to me and wrapping her arms round my waist. "Im sorry I had to tell her" I whispered, "its ok" she replied kissing my neck. She was pulled away by my mom who was telling my dad all about it as my phone started to vibrate in my pocket, I excused myself and stepped into the corridor.

"Hello?" I said, "where the hell are you! Daniel has gone missing and so has the car he wont tell me where he is. You know the show starts in 3 hours right?" adam exploded. "Im fine look I wont be long also daniel is with me stop fussing look I have to go but i'll be back for the show" I said putting the phone down and shoving it back into my pocket before heading back inside.

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