Theres No Escape...

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Jayden woke up from violet screaming her lungs out. Everyone started to run to the kitchen. Jace got there first, but Jake was not that far behind. In the kitchen something was so gory that he got an asthma attack, so he quickly gets his inhaler out from his pocket. Jake comes rushing in scared of what might be there. He  starts  to tear up at what he saw. "Are you ok?" He said to his brother in tears. "Ya...I am now" Jace says in fear. Everyone was now in the kitchen. Jorden was covering her mouth crying, while Amelia was no where to be found. Jayden was comforting violet who was in tears. After that everyone was gathered in the living room. Jordan was the first to take action, while most of her friends were crying, traumatized, or too scared to say anything. "Ok guys...either someone is watching us, of us is a killer." Jordan said trying not to cry. "WHAT!" Violet said crying even more. "We all saw veronicas dead body..something is going on. And if we don't do something about it there could be more people dead.."Jordan says. "Ok.." Violet agreed. "Guys.." Jace said breathing quickly. "Yeah..?" Jordan answered. "Where is Amelia....?"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2020 ⏰

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