I'll Be Better Than The One You Know...

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The tears have dried,
I can't forget you, though I have tried.
The sunshine smile,
That shined my world from a mile.
Deep soulful eyes,
I still remember though we broke all the ties.
Was it me?
Or the situation?,
Why can't I forget you?
Though  I have left the nation.

The Silence seemed to be my only friend,
The painful cycle of your memories doesn't end.

I just wanted a life happy with you,
Where we'll do everyday something new.

Lots of love, hugs and kisses.
But now they are nothing more than mere wishes.

You shattered my trust like a mirror,
I know you were my life's biggest error.

An error I willing made yet I'm willing to make again,
You were the reason why my day would began.

In my life you were the only source of light,
For whom I was willing to fight.
With a broken heart,
I'm going to restart.

I may be broken now,
No matter the pain I won't bow,

It's my vow.
I'll rise again,

I'll grow,
I'll be better than the one you know....

The Silent SymphonyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora