Are you Fucking kidding me?!

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"GET OFF OF ME!!" I screamed as I tried to kick this shit head off of me. Fuck why do I always get all of the creeps? I mentally scolded myself. As I tried to run out of the booth I smashed a bunch of bottles down and caused a scene, but I didn't care as voices and gasps came from behind me I was finally out of the creeps reach and I ran for the door, all of this just to possibly,maybe meet a sexy bassist and hot singer?! Totally worth it! I thought to myself as I continued to run, as my black Nike runners slid out from under me I hadn't realized it until I was already on the ground. The world around me was a blur, my head fucking hurt and I probably looked like a fool but I didn't care I was in a dark fucking place and I needed a way out. As everyone gathered around me, it came to my attention that I had knocked into a waitress at the Rainbow Bar. Not only had I knocked her but I send all of the drinks she was carrying flying. It smelt like jack.
As I began to stand up and sloppily throw apologies around, two girls bent down beside me to help me up and I was gracious, I gave them each a $10 bill and thanked them. As I was just getting on to my feet and the world around me started to get back to normal, I see this sexy man walk in with a group of three tailing him. It couldn't fucking be. But it was. It was Nikki fucking Sixx. As he pulled the door back and flicked his hair back with the nod of his head, I found myself just standing up to meet his gaze.
But before we get any further, let me introduce myself. Hi my name is Candace, and I know what your thinking no I'm not a blonde. I'm 19 and I live for the sunset strip, or apparently lately I do. See the thing is, is that ever since Mötley Crüe came to as a band I tried to go to every fucking show. But you see my parents weren't interested in seeing their daughter turn into some "groupie" when every they used that fucking word it drove me insane. When I get pissed I leave, sometimes I get into trouble which is what I found myself in tonight. I was a natural brunette, that leaned on the side of black hair. I was 5'6 and curvy, I had abs and a slighter chest I wore clothing to emphasize three things. Eyes, butt and legs. And makeup? Well it could take care of the rest. So as the story goes on.
My eyes were wondering in his eyes, and then the unexpected happened. Nikki winked at me. I felt my face go hot. And then I thought, what would make parents thing of me know? 😈

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